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It's been about a week since we all returned to school. Katsuki has walked me to and from school everyday and I'm seeing a side of him that is so kind and gentle and its surprising me. Everyone in class has had almost non-stop questions about my quirk and I think they have all finally asked everything they wanted to.

Nobody noticed Katsuki and I holding hands that first day because Kaminari and Kirishima rushed us as soon as we came through the door. And it's not off to see us together since we always hung out together in the same group everyday. So, so far, nobody knows we are dating and I think it's starting to get on Katsuki's nerves a little, since he did tell me he wants everyone to know I'm his.

I returned to the classroom after lunch, and about 12 people had already come back. Todoroki, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Katsuki hadn't come back yet, so I sat in my normal chair. A little to the right up a couple rows from me, I could hear Mineta and Sero talking. Well, Mineta that is. Sero didn't look like he was really in the conversation as he was staring at Kyoka. I couldn't make out what Mineta was saying, but I could tell it was about me, as he was staring at me. I saw the door open and saw Todoroki, then Kirishima, then Kaminari, Nd finally my Katsuki. I could feel my cheeks start to burn and tingle. He just had this effect on me that I could never get rid of. I've somehow connected with my emotions and become a real girl when it comes to him. He started walking towards his seat and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU PURPLE CREEP?!" He sprinted towards Mineta explosions coming out of one hand and grabbed Mineta's collar with the other, lifting him out of his seat.



Sobbing Mineta repeated what he said. "I SAID (Y/N) HAS REALLY NICE BOOBS!"

"Hey, Bakugo! What's the matter, you know he's a little pervert." Sero took one step forward trying to calm Bakugo down. I knew that wouldn't work. He's become very protective of me, but of course nobody knew about this.

"(Y/N) IS MINE! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND IF I HERE ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT HER OUT OF YOU LITTLE PERVERTED MOUTH I'LL KILL YOU! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" He dropped Mineta who was in complete shock at this moment and he walked over to me. Everyone was in the classroom now and heard Katsuki's last statement. Everyone was in disbelief. He Kissed my forehead and walked to his seat. Everyone else followed by going to their seat, completely silent. Todoroki, sat next to me, a little smirk on his face.

"So, he finally did it."

"What do you mean."

"(Y/N), he's been talking about you for weeks. Well not talking, more like his actions were his words." I was going to whisper a response back, but then Mr. Aizawa came in.

"You will be going to agencies next week to train with pro heros. These are all of the students who got offers. Even if you didn't get offers, I have a list for you to choose from. Please pick wisely. Oh and Midnight will also be here to help pick your hero names. Pick wisley."

I searched the board for my name. Todorki got the most, of course. Katsuki 2nd, and so on. But, where was mine? And then I saw it. I had one offer. I got my paper and was completely shocked by who sent me an offer. Todoroki leaned over to me. "Who was your one offer?"

"Todoroki, It was your Father."


"Maybe my father talked to him, thinking he would be the best?"

The door slammed open and Midnight walked through. She passed out some white board for us to start coming up with hero names. Most of the class has presented their names. There's just 4 of us left, and I have no idea what my name should be. I thought about using containment hero like my father, but my quirk is more like collapsing then containing.

Hurt // Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now