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Katsuki's P.O.V.

"Hello! How many today?"

"It's just the four of us."

"Follow me."

The waitress smiled at us and led us to a booth. Thunder and Icyhot sat on one side, while Shit hair and I sat on the other side.

"So, Bakubro. Why ya call us all here?"

"Her mother gave us a warning that night she had broken into our home. She said when we found out this would all make sense and that if (Y/N) doesn't join the league, they would take things into their own hands."

"Does that mean?" I clenched my fists as anger started to boil over in me. I glared at Icyhot.

"I believe they will take our child if she doesn't join them. I don't want to worry her and tell her what I think because that would just stress her out. I need you three idiots to help me."

"No problem man! Remember, you weren't the only one to promise her dad. We also promised to protect her."

"What do you need us to do."

"As much as I hate to say it, we need to get the class back together. Once she goes into labor and even afterwards, she need protection. Our whole class are the only pros I trust to protect us during this. And everyone keeps saying we are family, so prove it. Thunder can you ask..."

"I got Shinso. He'll be happy to help. They've been good friends since first year."

"Ok, once you three have talked to everyone, let me know and we can set up a meeting for all of us. I'm gonna find a place where all 21 of us can have a meeting without (Y/N) knowing. It shouldn't be to difficult as long as its firing work hours. She isn't allowed to do hero work full time right now."

"She must be driving herself nuts at home then."

"You don't have to go home to her."

"Can I get some drinks started for you?"

The waitress took our order and walked away. I halfway listened to everyone throughout the rest of the meal. My mind was consumed by (Y/N)'s mother and brother. How was I going to successfully protect her? No... How are we all going to successfully protect her?

Two Months Later - Iida Family Agency

"Ok everyone! Sit down! Bakugo is going to start the meeting!"

"Thanks for lending the meeting room Iida!"

"It was no problem Kirishima!"

Iida sat down and everyone followed. I stood up in front of everyone.

"As you all know, (Y/N) is pregnant. This meeting and the details of all future meetings are to not be discussed with her. Her body would not be able to handle the stress of this. Now, a few months ago, our home was broken in to by her Mother and Shigaraki. Her Mother warned us that if she didn't join them, they would take matters into their own hands, and that when we found out all of that would make more sense. I have reason to believe that they want to take our child away once he is born."

"They can't take your little boy!"

"Thatis why I need all of your help Pinky!" I tried to calm down before continuing, but everytime I think about this, I can't help but worry for my family. I heard Icyhot stand up behind me and he addressed the room.

"Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari and I have come up with a plan to protect her. We think our main threat will be once (Y/N) goes through labor and everything after the baby is born. (Y/N) has requested that Mitsuki is in the room during the birth. That has been her only request. We have already spoken to the doctors and they are reserving the biggest room they have for her. All of the girls will be posted with (Y/N). Two will need to guard the outside of the room. We think that Asui and Uraraka will be the best for that."

"We will do our best!"

"Momo, Hagakure, Mina. You will be in the room with her."

"Her protection will be our highest priority Bakugo." I looked behind me as everyone's full attention was on Todoroki.

"What about me?"

"Jiro, you will be posted in a quiet room next door. We need you to listen and report any small suspicious noise you hear. And while we are already speaking of surveillance, Shoji, you will be posted on the roof with Sero."

"I will do my best."

"Yea! We got this!"

"Now teams. There are four entrances to the hospital, including the emergency room, main entrance, the parking ramp and an additional emergency exit. Team A who will be protecting the main entrance, Midoriya, Bakugo, Tokoyami."

"Kacchan, nothing is going to happen to her while we are all here."

"Team B who will be protecting the emergency room entrance, Iida, Aaoyama, Mineta. Team C who will be protecting the parking ramp entrance, Kaminari, Ojiro and myself. And finally, Team D who will be protecting the emergency exit, Koda, Sato."

"Where am I supposed to be?"

"Shinso, you will be outside (Y/N)'s room with Uraraka and Asui. You will be checking every hospital worker who tries to enter the room. Our main concern for this is Toga. It's a busy place and she can hide easily. Use any means necessary everyone. They will not win this battle."

I put my hand on Todoroki's shoulder. He nodded to me and moved to his seat.

"Be prepared for anything. It's been awhile since they have done anything and we don't know how large their numbers have grown...

They started a war. We... we are going to end it." Everyone stood out of their chairs. Not one person was trying to smile or lighten the mood. Everyone's face was intense and the tension in the room rose. We all had one objective. Protect my family.

The league will not win. They can try, but this will be the end of them.

Hurt // Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now