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~Your P.O.V.~

Katsuki walked over to the door and opened it just a little. Enough for him to put his hand through to the outside.

"Give me the bag."

"Katsuki, open the door! I want to meet her!" Has he even told his mom about us?


"KATSUKI, DON'T CALL ME THAT! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Well it's nice it see the apple didn't fall to far from the tree.

"Honey, just give him the bag! He's not ready yet." I heard a more calm, Male voice call from further away. Katsuki's dad maybe? Katsuki lunges forward a little and rips his arm back. He has a black backpack in his hand and he slams the door shut.

"AAHH STUPID BITCH!" I walk out to the living room where Katsuki was. He was digging through his clothes and pulled out a shirt and jeans. He took off the pants he was wearing and stood just in his boxers. He put his new pants on and pulled on the tshirt.

"You want to finish eating now?"

"Yea." We walked over to the kitchen and ate our omelettes in silence.


I looked down at my phone that was on the counter. I grab it and Katsuki grabs our plates and puts them in the sink. Its was a new text from our group message.


What time?




Yea! Kaminari and I will be there!


Me too.

I put my phone down on the counter. Katsuki walked over to me and grabbed my left hand and put it on his chest. He took my right hand and put it over his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you (Y/N)" I gave him a small smile and looked into his gaze. This is the first time in my life that I can say I'm actually happy. And it's all because of Katsuki.

Todoroki arrived first, but Kirishima and Kaminari arrived about 5 minutes after he did. We all settled in to the living room and Kirishima and Kaminari were grilling Todoroki about who he liked in our class.

"I must insist I don't like anyone."

"Ah come on man! You are always talking to Momo! You have to have something for her."

"She sits in front of me in class. I will admit she's nice to talk to. She can hold a conversation. But what about you two?"

Kirishima and Kaminari exchange glances and both smile.

"Kaminari, who do you like?" Kirishima put a finger up to his chin after asking him.

"I like Jiro, but I'm kinda fighting against Sero on that one. And I'm pretty sure I'm losing."

"I'm kinda like Todoroki, I dont really like anyone. And I guess we don't need to ask Bakugo who he likes."

"Huh?" Bakugo made the small sound lifting his head to rejoin the conversation. He checked out awhile ago and was staring at the floor.

"Yes. Why didn't you tell us when you both first started dating?" I looked up to Todoroki trying to find a response. Before I could speak, Katsuki started.

"We would have told you damn nerds earlier, but red and yellow barely give anyone else a chance to talk."

"HEY! That's not very nice!"


"Hey, guys? I know you like to bicker and everything, but could you stop screaming at each other? We are all friends afterall." I laid a hand on Katsuki's chest. He was about to go off again, but I guess decided it wasn't worth it.

It had gotten dark out, and was getting pretty late. I decided to go to my room and change into pajamas. As I walked upstairs I looked at the time on my phone. 11:30 PM. I got into my room and started changing my clothes. I heard my door open and then close.

I walked out of my closet to see Katsuki there. He was pulling on his pajama bottoms, of course shirtless. He quickly walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips met mine and were fighting for dominance. He lifted me off the ground slightly, our lips still connected. He laid me down on my bed and his hands began to wander. He broke our connection and stared into my eyes. His hands wandered down my sides and met over my womanhood. He began to rub with his left hand and I could feel my stomach twisting in knots. I was beginning to become warm.

"Just remember, you're mine." He whispered into my ear and removed his hands. He got off of me and stood on the ground. He offered a hand and I took it, getting off my bed. We went downstairs where the 3 boys were in the kitchen. Todoroki was leaning up against a counter and the other two were raiding the pantry.

"Hey, you don't mind, do you?"

"No, please help yourself."

I walked over to the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips. Leaving them at the door as they stood in amazement of how big the pantry was.

I walked over to Todoroki and stood next to him leaning against the counter too. I opened the bag and held it in front of him. He took some out and placed them in his hand and started munching on them slowly.

"Are you ever weirded out that your four best friends are all guys."

"Hm?" I raised my head to match his stare. "Not really. I think it makes the girls uneasy though. Like I won't let them talk to you guys or something."

"Momo had asked about it before. Her and the other girls thought that you were flirting with all four of us. That was before the sports festival though. I told her that we were all just really good friends. You and I because we have similar pasts. Being raised by our Fathers and that they are both top 10 heros. You and Kirishima hit it off from almost the first day and Kaminari and Bakugo just fit in too. That's what I told her. But you are right, it seems the other girls are confused about our little group."

"Well, I also almost never talk to any of them. I just don't like talking about the girly things. And half the time when I over hear their conversations, that's what they are talking about."

As time went on, it was starting to near 2 am. I showed Todoroki, Kirishima, and Kaminari what rooms they could stay in. Kirishima and Kaminari were surprised that there were actual rooms with actual beds that they could stay in. I guess they always forget how big the house really is.

My father owns a lot of land and had a big house built with it when I was still very young. We were on our own from my birth. He had this house built and we were moved in before my 2nd birthday. It was just something I got used to. That's probably why I like having these guys, my friends over so often. It fills this empty house. It was always empty, but at least my father would be here at night.

I head to my room and Katsuki follows me. "Oh, i should show you what room you can stay in." I start to turn towards another room. Katsuki lays a hand on my shoulder and turns me slightly.

"Babe, it won't be necessary. I can just sleep with you again tonight." I nod my head a little and walk through the door of my room. We walk in and Katsuki takes his shirt off. I put my phone on its charger and climb into bed. Katsuki gets in on the other side and lays on his back. I roll over and place one hand on his chest and lay my face on it too. He has both hands behind his head and is staring up at the ceiling. I start to drift off, the rocking of his chest that is causeed by his breathing soothes me and my eyelids get heavy.

I am just about to fall asleep and I hear Katsuki whisper one last "I love you" into my ear. Darkness fills my mind and I drift into a deep sleep.


Thanks for reading! We are over 100 reads! This is more of a filler chapter. Not much happened. More exciting things to come though! Please vote as it does really encourage me to write more, thanks! Also! If you have ideas for a hero name for the main character, please comment!

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