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Someone once told me that heros can only be as great as what they stand for. Whether it's for fame, fortune, or truly for the greater good, your true intent reveals who you are as a hero. How does this apply to us students? Well, this is where we find why we really want to be heros.

I personally want to save the world from a past that I can't escape from. To rid the world from what I know as to be truly evil, but what about the other's in my class? Why do they want to be heros?

"Are you even listening to me?!" Hm? Oh right, the angry one was yelling at me.

"Um, not really. You talk so often, so I don't really care to listen to it." I stood up from my desk as the bell rang for the beginning of lunch. Bakugo still had his fists pressed against my desktop and smoke came out of his nostrils.

"What the fuck did you say you bitch?"

"I know you heard me, I don't really care to explain it again, even if you didn't."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"I think you are the one who should be receiving that question." I swiftly left the room and started walking towards the roof with my lunch I had packed this morning. It was just some simple rice and fish, nothing extravagant.

I pushed open the door that led to the roof and the sun hit my face. I breathed in the fresh air and found a place to sit for the next hour. This was a quiet place that I could think and not have to try and keep up with a conversation like I would have to in the cafeteria. Just simple and quiet.

"Hey! I wasn't done talking to you!" Was... it was quiet.

"Why are you up here?" I opened my small bento and began to eat out of it as he continued to storm closer to where I was seated. He was raging at this point and both fists were clenched and turning red.

"I'm not fucking done talking to you, that's why you bitch!"

"If I may, you were never talking. You have only been yelling."

"What the fuck is your deal!?"

"My deal? Well, first off, I don't like being yelled at by someone who doesn't know me. Second of all, I don't think you like my presence cause it challenges you. You can't read me and it scares you. It's either that, or you are a teenage boy with hormones that you can't control. Well, it could be both actually. And third, if you want to have lunch with me this bad, you should probably bring food with you."

He look completely angry by now and stormed off, slamming the door behind him. He thinks the world of himself and I don't know why. Maybe he was never told no as a kid? Whatever it is, he should check his attitude, he'll never be popular with it the way it is now.

The sun warmed my face as the rays hit every pore. I slowly ate the rest of my food, enjoying each bite as I chewed. My whole life felt like someone was hitting the fast forward button on a remote, but finally, everything seems to be going a normal speed.

I finished my food and wrapped my box back up. Standing up, I took one final deep breath of the fresh air, then started my journey back to the classroom.

I walked in and I could see Mr. Aizawa sitting in the corner, all wrapped up in his sleeping bag. He looked peaceful there. I noticed someone else had returned from lunch as well, the boy with split red and white hair. I went and sat back down at my desk and placed my bag on the floor next to me. A few minutes later, the rest of the class started showing up too.

The bell rang and everyone was seated, while Mr. Aizawa walked sleepily over to the podium. He yawned and looked at a piece of paper in front of him while we all patiently waited for him to speak.

"Today you will be electing a class president."

"Yay! Some normal school stuff!"

"Pick me you idiots!"

"I'll do it! Vote for me!"

The eruption of noise from my classmates started to drain my patience. I was starting to get a headache from the noise and just wanted it to stop. I didn't even care who the class president would be honestly.

We started voting and I pondered a few names in my head. I wouldn't vote for myself, I didn't want that responsibility. I tap my pencil on my desk for a moment before writing down Momo's name. She seems capable enough for the job.

After voting had finished and they were all counted, the green haired boy, I think his name was Deku, won and Momo came in second. Later on, Deku voiced that Iida should have the job and everyone agreed with him.

The final bell rang and I started to grab my bag off the floor next to me when I felt my desk shake from a fist landing on it.

"Huh, not even one vote. That must mean that not even you are confident you could have done the job."

"Or I can look past the fact that someone else was better for the position than I was." He looked stunned for a second than his face quickly changed to anger.

"You're just a stupid quirkless idiot with no talent. That's why you didn't get any votes."

"Is yelling at me some sort of defense mechanism for you? Do I threaten you somehow?" I stood up from my desk and before he could answer Kirishima and a yellow haired kid walked up. I believe he could produce electricity?

"Hey you two, we were gonna go get some ice cream, did ya want to come with us?"

"Like I'd go with..."

"I'm sorry Kirishima, I train at my home after school. So I guess that means you can go with them, since I'm not." I look up at Bakugo and shoot him my best attempt at a sincere smile. He takes a step back and glares at me. A small click sound comes from his mouth and he shoves his hands in his pockets and starts to walk away.

The other two look at me and shoot me smiles, then chase after Bakugou. I start my familiar journey home once again.

It's quiet like always, but this walk seems different in a way. I always keep my head down so that I never make eye contact with other people who pass by, but since this walk felt more different than the others, I look up to take note of my surroundings. That's when I see them. The three familiar looking boys walking towards me as they just exited the ice cream shop. I stop and Kirishima meets my eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He jogs up to me, and so does the yellow haired one. Bakugou has an annoyed look on his face as he slowly trails behind.

"I live near here."

"Wait, what? This is like the rich side of town! That's why we came to this shop, they have the best ice cream!"

"Oh, I've never been there. I don't go out much."

"Come on! I'll buy you some!"

"No thank you Kirishima. Thanks for offering though. I really need to get home."

"Can we walk you then?"

"I'll be ok. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"

"Uh. Okay." I walk past them and the two of them move aside for me. As I pass Bakugou, it felt like slow motion. Our eyes lock, but I didn't see the all familiar hatred in his eyes. They were relaxed, and no sign of his normal self could be found. Time resumed it's normal speed once I got past him and I continued to my home.

What was that I saw in his eyes? It didn't seem like him. His eyes were different in that brief moment. On top of that, why did time seem to slow, almost freeze when our eyes met?

Who is he? What is his true self?

Hurt // Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now