"Sister I will never let you go"

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I've always felt free in the woods. In my wolf form I was strong, free and happy. Me being happy was a rare occurrence and if I could find just a little bit of it I would try and keep it for as long as possible.

Picking up a familiar scent and slow my running pace. My hybrid eyes focus on the person a few 100 feet from me, waiting.

"Asena, come out, I know you're there" his stern voice rings through the empty air of the forest outside Mystic Falls.
Walking out from the woods I bare teeth at the being infront of me.
Not seeming impressed the familiar being rests his hands in his pants pockets.

Throwing two pieces of fabric towards at me he gives me a pointed look. Hiding behind a tree I shift back and looks at the pieces of fabric. A black dress and a leather jacket. Pulling the dress over my head and sign. My brother found me after months of hiding.

Stepping in front of my brother I pull the leather jacket over my shoulders. I sign annoyed and crosses my arms across my now covered chest and stare at my brother.

"What do you want Elijah?" I ask, my accent thick ringing through the air. I stare at my older brother who stares back.

"Asena I realize that we all hurt you but we need your help" Elijah says looking me. Scoffing I walk towards my brother.

"What happened?" I ask. I may hate my siblings but my concern never vanished, I still love them but I think my hatred may be stronger.

"Niklaus may have gotten himself in trouble" rolling my eyes I stare at my brother, waiting for something new.

"What is new with our brother, Elijah?" I challeng him waiting for the reason he searched me out. He knew I wouldn't help my bastard of a brother, not after what he did to me.

"He has heard about a witch conspiring against him... in New Orleans" snapping my head up I glare at my brother.

"In New Orleans? The city which I had sworn I would never return to?" I ask and my brother signs before nodding. Breathing I try yo calm myself.

New Orleans has done nothing but cause me pain and let my hatred has grow over the years l and no matter what, not for my life, not for my family will I ever return to that awful town.

"Yes, now I know you had sworn to never return but Niklaus...we need to save him from himself" he says. I glare and step forward trying to intimidate my older brother.

Even though I wasn't the oldest every member of my family treated my like the fragile little porceline doll.
He just stares at me, not being intimidated at all. Growling I show my hybrid face and grab him by his throat and pin him against a nearby tree.

Grabbing my hand he gently removes it, trying not hurt me. He pushes me away to give him a little space.

"No Elijah, you can go and save him from himself. I made a promise months ago that I didn't want anything to so with him!" I shout. The veins pumping under my eyes and the irises glowing orange with anger.

"Asena, I realize he hurt you, we had hurt you. You had placed your trust in all of us and yet we betrayed you but it doesn't mean you turn your back on your family!" He shouts in an authoritative voice causing me to look away.

"No that is what it means. I had trusted all of you! I will not help any of you. I'm not a Mikaelson anymore" I mumble hoping he hadn't heard and turn away. Before I could blink he was in front of me, staring me down once again.

"Asena you will always be a Mikaelson no matter what even if you hate us into the deepest pits of hell you are forever a Mikaelson" he says. I stare up at him and bite down hard on both my teeth.

"Elijah I dont want to he part of this family!" The look in his eyes almost made me cry. Sadness, regret and anger swiveld around in his dark brown eyes.

"So just let me go!" I shout, tears almost spilling but I keep them at bay. I turn around and walk away only for my brother to grab my arm pulling me back.

Growling yet again in anger I grab his arm and throw him against a tree, splitting the tree. Revealing my hybrid face I stalk closer to him. He stands up and dusts off his suit and glares.

Speeding forward and grab his throat and throw him once against into a tree. Standing up he looks at me before running forward and pins me against a tree. He holds me tightly against the rough bark. As I try to struggle I feel him tighten his grip even more.

"Asena!" He shouts once again causing me to stare at him again. My golden hybrid eyes staring into his dark vampire eyes.

"Sister as long as we are all on this planet we are family! Never I repeat, never will I let you go" he finally explodes. I could see the anger and frustration swimming around in his eyes.

"You are my little sister. Even if you weren't the youngest you were always the most innocent and always cried and begged for our help and without question we would help you. You cried a few months ago that you wanted us all to be a family." Not trying to struggle my veins under my eyes retract and my gold eyes fade away into my blue ones.

"I'm not the same person Elijah, now let me go!" I shout and slide put of his grasp. Breathing heavily and stare at him with a desperation livid in my eyes.

"Please Elijah just let me go" I beg in a whisper. Speeding behind me he graspd my head in both his hands and my eyes widen as I realize what he's about to do.

"Sister, I will never let you go" I hear him whisper before he twists me neck and a sickening snap echoes through the air before engulfing me in darkness.

Hey guys.
New story not my first. Something went wrong with my first one but I decided to write a new one.

An explanation to why Asena hates her siblings will become clear in the future and yes Asena is Klaus's twin sister.

Asena is a Norwegian name meaning 'She wolf'

Her love interest is pretty clear but they will meet soon but not if that even makes sense...


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