"Leave me alone"

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Ghost~ Ella Henderson

Asena's POV

My head falls back onto the the back of the chair. My eyes adjust on the the dangling light above me. The light was blinding me but I was slowly getting used to it.

2 days.

2 days since the ritual failed and I lost the only person who actually made me smile. I have been drinking wine, whiskey, beer, bourbon and vodka non stop.

"This is ridiculous" my head rolls to the side. Staring a few feet from me was my twin. I raise my eyebrow at him and lazily lift the whiskey bottle up to my chapped lips.

"Buzz of Niklaus" I grumble and pour a stream of brown strong liquid into my mouth and hope it helps my mood.

"You can't keep lying around" he walks towards me and rips the whiskey bottle out of grasp. "feeling sorry for yourself and try to drown your sorrows in all of expensive liquor" he grunts and places the nearly empty bottle on the counter.

"I'm not feeling sorry for myself" I grumble again. I shift my body so that my feet were placed propped up on the coffee table. My eyes shift up back at Niklaus who stares wide eye at me. I couldn't blame him. I always thought it was barbaric when my younger brother, Kol would prop up his feet on any surface other than the floor.

"Then explain why you are lying around like a dead body draining, like I already said, draining my liquor cabinet?" He growls at me. I roll my eyes and stare at him.

"Because unlike 'some' people" I say giving Niklaus a pointed look. "The other living creatures in this house actually mourns when someone they loved has past away" I say and stand up, getting annoyed and I walk past him.

"Then explain why you are dressed like you just came in from, what do you call it" he says stopping me in my tracks. I turn back to him to see him trying to find the word. "Clubbing"

I snort and cross my arms over my red leather jacket which was dripping with blood. Niklaus looks down at my jacket to see the blood.

"Yes I have been clubbing and you'll find a dumpster filled with dead bodies drained of blood" I say almost smirking but it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"Goodbye brother" I say lazily and push past him.

Niklaus's POV

First Marcel and now my twin. How could that little witch's death effect them this much.

After I pardoned Thierry I wanted Marcel to lead the vampires in a witch rausting but he wouldn't take.

After Asena vanishes from my eyesight I realize something. There was only one time, hundreds of years ago when Asena was acting like this.

It was after we were turned she was the first to flip the switch. She lived without her emotions for almost 200 years. It was so terrifying not just for ms but for all of my siblings, all except for Kol, he and Asena loved ripping villages apart.

"Good morning brother" I turn to the door to see Elijah. He was leaning against the wooden doorframe. He actually looked tired.

"Brother, have you noticed how Asena has been acting the last couple of days?" I ask, slight worry in my voice.

"Yes, since the death of young Davina, our sister has been quite... drunk" he tries to phrase it politely which amuses me.

"Look at this" I say and push a newspaper in his chest. I lean back against the couch while crossing my arms over my chest. I watch as Elijah scans through the article.

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