"I can't lose her"

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Asena's POV

Bad Guy~ Billie Eilish

The winds blow past me as I stand still in front of the church. My sapphire blue eyes scan over the old building. The wood on the windows were starting to rot.

Lifting my chin just a bit the voices of the humans along with my brother fills my ears. The screaming of insolent humans rings through the air.

Signing I walk up the stone steps to the old church doors. My high heels crunching on the stones.

Dragging my hand through my hair I let out a breath as I open the door. The screaming stops along with the sounds of flesh ripping.

"Seriously Niklaus?" I ask bored as he rips of the police chief's head off of his shoulder. Rolling my eyes I step through the threshold.

"Ah sister how nice of you to join us, it's not like you're late" he hisses at me with an annoying smirk on his face.

"I can take as long as I please Niklaus, both of us are hybrids remember, you can't exactly hurt me." I ask crossing my arms over my chest and walk towards my brother.

"Are you here to help me dear twin sister?" He asks, the smirk on his face telling me not to spoil his fun.

Staring at him I narrow my blue eyes at him. It never bothered me if any of my siblings killed any humans. After we were turned I went through dark stage. I lost my mortality, my magic and my children.

It was horrible.

"Do you really want me to, my dear twin brother?" I ask, fake sweetness dripping like acid in each word.

The smirk vanishes from his face and turns into a glare.

"No" he growls. "Dear sister do not get involved"

Rolling my eyes I push past my twin and descend up the stairs.

"Where is she going?" I hear one of the men asks.

"To see her lover" he retorts and I roll my eyes as a scream and sounds of ripping flesh sounds through the air.

Sophie POV

I was sitting in front of my sister's grave, thinking. My plan has fallen apart. I have no way to get the Mikaelsons to help me.

Especially Asena.

I want to kill Davina and Asena would kill me if...

Jumping up I rush into the tomb where we held Hayley the first time.

Grabbing some herbs and salt I pour the salt in a pattern to try and contact the elders. Davina can't be the first girl Asena loved.

Closing my eyes I start to silently chant while concentrating.

I could feel wind around me. The ancestors were all ready sending me an answer. Feeling a wet liquid run down my nose I slowly open my eyes.

In the middle of the circle kneeled a young girl with milk chocolate like skin and shining black hair.

"Sophie Devereax" she breathes out and stands up. Letting out a shake breath a take a step forward and look carefully at her.

"Who are you?" I asks. Her brown eyes wide staring at me. Tilting her head to the side she studies me.

She was wearing khaki jeans, brown combat boots, red plad shirt and a lose white tank top with faded red stain on it.

"I'm Sienna Bennett"

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