"You're making a grave mistake"

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Rolling in the deep~ Adele

Asena's POV

Walking into Niklaus's room I get hit in the shoulder by a flying book. Grunting I bend down. My fingers clasp around the brown leather cover.

"Bloody hell Niklaus" I mutter and straighten up. He continues to destroy the bookcase by throwing them on the floor.

I start to walk towards him, bending down every now and then to pick up a book. I sign and place the books in my hands on a neat pile on the desk. Resting my hand on the desk I lean against my weight and stare at my twin.

"These books are over 200 years old" I say but he doesn't acknowledge my statement. He continues to destroy my books. "And considering half of then are mine and you're destroying them as if they were cheap children's books, I would like to know what you're looking for" I ask and narrow my eyes at my twin.

"Can I help you find something?" I whip around to see a smirking Elijah standing the doorway, sipping on a cup of tea.

"Well aren't you quite elegant brother?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him.

"Yes" Niklaus answers annoyance clear in his voice. He swiftly turns around to face our brother. "I infact believe you can" I watch as my older brother continues to drink his tea whilst my twin moves to the other bookcase. "I'm looking for a book" he holds up a book. "About yea big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells." He turns and stares at Elijah, completely ignoring me.

"It appears to have been misplaced"

"How very mysterious" Elijah says, not in the slightest bit concerned about the fact that our mother's book was missing. I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at him.

"Indeed" Niklaus says still looking through the piles of books. "First I feared the witches succeeded in their attempt to steal it but considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large tattooed gentleman of his hands" he stops and turns to look at me then at our brother. "I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer" he asks narrow his eyes in suspicion at Elijah.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be brother" Niklaus huffs and walks closer to Elijah whom was currently sitting at the other desk writing on a piece of paper. I walk past my twin and sit down on the chair a few feet from the desk.

"Well admittedly I did have a theory in your sudden interest in mother's grimoire was in some way related to your foolishness you've been conducting with the crescent wolves" my eyes widen and I turn directly to Niklaus who looks like a child who was just caught lying. "Therefore I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty little fingers could not pry" Niklaus's turns to smirk at me. "Or where Asena would be able to take the book to her beloved Davina"

I simply snort and shake my head before turning to my twin.

"I do love Davina" his smirk broadens. "But I wouldn't give her our mother's spellbook" I say and turn to Elijah.

"And here I thought, Elijah" Niklaus says turning his attention back to Elijah. "You of all people would understand I am simply trying to help those wolves. Place some marotyn to the abused, champion to the underdog, so to speak" I roll my eyes at his theatrics.

Was I this theatrical?

"How splendidly noble of you" Elijah says sarcastically.

"Have you ever considered that like you I plan to keep Hayley safe. Using our mother's grimoire to empower her people so they are capable of protecting her" Niklaus tries to justify. I hear Elijah start to stand up. I turn my head just a bit to watch him with interest.

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