"I loose everyone I care about"

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Amnesia~ 5seconds of summer

Asena's POV

I haven't closed my eyes since Rebekah walked in last night with Davina sleeping peacefully in her arms. I could feel the hatred coming from Davina's temporary room.

She was awake, I heard her. Marcel was busy in the kitchen, making breakfast. I volunteered but Elijah warned me not to.

"If you go in there now you might upset her even more, don't rush head straight into the problem like a stubborn bull"

And for the first time in almost a 1000 years, I actually listened to my brother. I left Marcel to work on damage control, against my better judgment of course.

Right now I was sitting in my brother's office with a glass filled with wine. Every time I take a sip my dear little (spiteful) sister tops me off. Considering I was in a mood it was probably the best thing to do.

My head snaps up as I hear a loud 'thump' and glass shattering.

"Well" my head snaps back to my brother who has been ranting non stop since dawn. "Looks like your little witch is up, let's go check shall we" rolling my eyes I gently place the wine glass on the glass counter top.

Standing up, I let out a sign and walk out of my twin's office with him hot on my heels.

Can I just find a white oak stake? He will be the reason for me becoming an alcoholic.

Stopping in front of her bedroom door, I hold up my hand to stop Niklaus from opening the door. I hear a groan coming from Marcel, obvious.

Opening the door Niklaus pushes past me and storms into the door. Growling I follow him inside.

"What in blazing..." Niklaus trails off for a moment and as soon as I step out from behind him, I see why.

Davina was on her bed, coughing up...dirt?

My eyes widen and soon they meet hers. Tears on the edges, threatening to spill. I share a look with my brother. I knew exactly what was, happening.

The Harvast.


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My arms were crossed over my chest as I stared at the witch who was looking intently at the drawings of Celest which Davina has been drawing the last few days.

It takes everything in me not to jump at her and rip out her throat with my bare hands. My brothers were standing on either side of me incase I snap and kill the bloody witch

"Well" I snap harshly at her and take a small step forward which causes Elijah to gently pull me back and Niklaus to step in between Sophie and I.

"How do you explain Davina drawing the witch who's power you wanted to harness?" Niklaus asks, turning his back on Sophie and walks directly over to the liquor cabinet.

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