"The cold hearted Mikaelson"

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I get wicked~ Thousand footcrutch

Asena's POV

Walking into the house I'm met with two brothers who look either mad or worried...or both.

"What now?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the still broken wall which I thought would have been fixed by now.

"Hayley's missing" those two words cause me to stand up straight, my eyes wide.

"How?" I ask and my narrowed eyes rest on Niklaus who simply rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Marcel took her" he growls and I share a look with Elijah before nodding.

"Let's go find our pregnant werewolf"

"Welcome to fight night" Marcel's voice travels through the compound. I roll my eyes which causes a snicker from Niklaus.

"The winner by the end of the night will be one step closer to the inner circle and closer to" he holds up a daylight ring. "one of these" all the young vampires cheer and clap their hands.

"First we have Kate and George" Marcel says and everyone turns to the two vampires.

Raising my eyebrow I see that the girl actually has some moves. I smirk as she snaps his neck and he goes limp on the floor.

"Damn girl" Marcel says smiling. Speeding in I snap the young vampire's neck. A few get ready to jump but are thrown back by my brothers.

"Watch it or you'll end up on the end of my toxic hybrid teeth" I smirk and they back away from me.

"What are you doing?" Marcel asks narrowing his eyes at my brothers and I while leaning slightly forward.

Jumping up I land a few inches away from him and a growl leaves my throat.

"So much confidence from someone so young" I tsk at him before circling him like a predator. "Quite idiotic actually" I say and look down at my brothers who are smirking up at me.

Jumping back down I take Marcel with me and he lands and stumbles a little at the quick motion.

"Enough games" Elijah scowls at Marcel. "Where is Hayley?" He growls at Marcel. I'm pretty sure he wanted to rip out Marcel's heart at that moment.

"You mean your young lady friend?" He asks and smirks at the three of us. "Who is she anyway?" He turns to me with a smirk.

"A new girlfriend?" He asks and steps back in surprise as my eyes start to glow.

"An old friend" Niklaus says and gently pulls me back. "You know how sentimental I am about old friends" he smirks but it doesn't reach his blue eyes.

"Oh I met her this afternoon" he smirks and turns to his followers. "At the old plantation where I use to be slave" rolling my eyes I only scoff

"I introduced myself. We exchanged hello's that's it" he says and looks at my brothers, staying a few feet from me. "But I didn't take her if she's missing that's your problem"

Signing I grab him by his throat and lift him up into the air. I hear a few gasps. "I swear to Loki, god of mischief I'll make it your problem and it'll be your top priority" I growl at him earning a scowl from my oldest brother as he flashes forward and pushes me away.

"I'll help find your little werewolf just keep her..." he points at me causing me to smirk. "away from me and my guys" he says and walks away.

Sitting down on a chair my two brothers join me and I start to drift off in thought.

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