"Wine is life"

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Asena's POV

Slumped in one of the chairs I listen to my two siblings bicker about our dear older brother.

"I don't mean to pry but what is the plan?" She asks leaning against the doorframe. She had one of Elijah's journals in her grasp.

"That depends on what you mean love?" Niklaus starts and I roll my eyes. Standing up and I stand behind the table with my hands balanced on the smooth table top.

I smirk as I see Rebekah tense. She was still afraid of me.

"My plan for global domonation, Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world?" He says. Feeling left out I grab the nearest pointy thing which so happens to be a pencil and I throw in into the back of his neck. He hisses in pain and plucks the pencil out of his neck. I smirk as the blood trickles down his neck.

"Or Asena's plan to kill every single one of her siblings" he grunts throwing the pencil on the table.

"I mean the plan to get back Elijah, you know the good brother" she asks and I snicker.

"Well the plan you have so subtle asked for is so forth" Rebekah asks and turns towards Niklaus.

"Niklaus will simply ask Marcel to get our brother back. No he will demand our brother back" I answer causing Hayley to whip her head between the three of us.

"That's not the whole plan is it?" She asks. Her dark brows pull together in worry.

"Of course not there's always plan B" Niklaus says.

"Niklaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling but there's none more diabolical" Rebekah turns towards me and continues. "Or Asena will simply rip of Marcel's head" Rebekah says.

Wrong. I actually like Marcel, I wouldn't rip of his head.

"And what happens if that plan fails?" Hayley asks and both Niklaus and Rebekah turn towards me and I smirk.


Sitting at the bar I sip my red wine. Marcel was having a sort of swarey tonight and my dress was ready.

As my phone rings I set the wine glass down and look at the name on my screen. Groaning I answer and my sister's whiny voice fills my ears.

"Bloody hell Niklaus how long does it take to ask a question?" Rebekah bitches through the phone.

"Longer than you think if the answer was as expected 'No'" Niklaus hisses and I roll my eyes.

"And why exactly did you two include me in this discussion?" I ask buying back an aggressive growl.

"Because Asena we may have a plan to find our dear brother" this grabs my attention and I straighten up. The bartender walks past me and I motion towards my glass.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Marcel's right hand man might be the solution to our problem" grabbing my wine glass and down the red bitter-sweet liquor before jumping up.

"I'm meeting Sophie Deveraux in five minutes-" I cut off my sister knowing what she was doing.

"I'll be there in two" I say and disconnect the phone.

Climbing in my Lamborghini I start the engine and speed down the streets of the French Quarter.

I smirk as I see my sister on the corner if bourbon street. Next to her stands Sophie Deveraux, both of them look in awe at my car. Pulling up to the curb I kill the engine. Stepping out I flip my blonde hair out of my face and walk towards the two girls.

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