"My problem is my two siblings"

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Stitches~ Shawn Mendes

Asena's POV

A wicked smile spreads across my red lips. Signing I pick up my wine glass. The bitter-sweet liquid fills my mouth and I stare at the witch in front of me.

"Yes, Davina is in danger" I say slowly nodding. "and so are you, sweetie" I say and stand up still with the wine glass in my hand.

"You seriously don't want to know what I have to say?" Sophie asks rushing behind me.

"No" I say walking through the nearby park towards my compound.

"You'll regret this" I hear her say from behind me.

Turning around my long blonde hair whip around my face. The dry grass crunches under my high heel boots. Pulling my fingers through my silky hair I stare at Sophie.

"Pretty sure I won't" I call back cupping my mouth.

Stopping in my tracks I stare at the playground. The pure laughter echoes through the air.

I smile spreads on my mouth as my eyes glide over the young children playing, laughing and screaming with joy.

I jump in surprise as I feel something come in contact with my legs, and another impact coming.

"Sorry ma'am" looking down I meet deep brown eyes. It was a young girl with rusty brown hair and a toothy smile. She was sitting on the ground smiling up at me. Next to her sat a boy with the same brown hair and brown eyes.

Obviously twins.

"No problem sweetheart" I smile lower myself onto my knees in front of them.

"What's your names?" I ask. The two of them glance at each other before turning back to me with huge smiles.

"I'm James and this is Valerie, my little sister" the boy answers looking quite proud.

"We are twins Jamie, you are not older than me" the young girl shrieks causing me to chuckle and both of them look up at me.

"You sound like my twin brother" I muse causing a smile.

"You are a twin" the both ask astonished and I nod.

"He always acts as if he is much older but in reality he is really only 7 min older than me" I smirking at them.

"So..." the girl starts to wonder. "Is he the oldest?" She asks her eyes sparkling with curiousity and her brother's eyes mirror hers.

"No, he is not. I have two older brother's, my twin brother, then I have a younger brother, a younger sister and my youngest brother..." my breath hitches in my throat as I remember Hendrik. "...and then there is my youngest brother"

I could see them starting to count on their little fingers trying to figure out how many siblings I actually have.

"So you have..." James starts. "...uhm so you have 7 siblings" he looks up at me with big eyes. "Am I right?" He asks, his eyebrows pulling together in confusion.

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