"I'm going to kill both of them"

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Elijah's POV

Asena was lying in her bedroom, still recovering from the beating she received from Niklaus.

I gaze down at her sleeping form, seeing how pure and innocent she seemed. Like when she was a child. She was so precious as a child.

"Elijah" she groans and starts to stir. I quickly grab the glass of blood. I gently grab her hand and place it in her hand. Without looking up she drinks the blood without stopping.

"What happened, where's Niklaus?" She asks, her voice hoarse. Her arms shake as she tries to sit up but manages either way.

"Niklaus is in agonizing pain in his bedroom and outmr sister vanished last night, hopefully she is halfway to Europe by now" I explain.

I watch as Asena stands up and walks into her walk in closet, disposing of her torn and bloodied clothes.

"You do realize after tonight, Niklaus will want to murder us?" I hear the sound of material and then shuffling as Asena speaks.

"Yes, but his rage will mainly be resurrected at Rebekah considering she's the one who called Mikael" I say just as Asena walks out wearing black ripped jeans, black combat boots, tight red spaghetti strap shirt and a black leather jacket hanging over her arm.

"Elijah after tonight he will want to slaughter Rebekah, he'll find some dark small hole and throw me in there" I look down at my polished shoes. "Like last time when I 'supposedly' betrayed him" I nod and look back at her remembering the last time.

"Cami is here" Asena says and both of us walk out if her room down the stairs and Cami directly rushes over towards us.

"What, have you found a way to help my uncle?" She asks, her blue eyes wide as she stares at both of us.

"No but I do need your help" Elijah says and Cami starts to lash out.

"I don't have time for games, Elijah." I sign and stare at her. "Everyday my uncle gets worse by the day"

"My brother has a mystical torture dagger in his chest and the mother of his child has gone missing so I can assure you, we don't have any time to play any games either" he say and she cowers slightly at the intense glare coming from Asena who was leaning against a wall.

"What do you need me to do?" She asks and I turn to look at Asena, Cami follows my gaze.

"Babysit my twin brother" she retorts, venom dripping from every word. It was clear that Asena wasn't in the mood for games or she should just have glass of wine.

Standing in front of my bother's bed we all stare down at it. His abdomen had on red line running down ut and his skin was pale. He seemed as if he was sleeping but I knew that wasn't the case.

I walk closer and start to bottom up my shirt, not wanting to ruin it.

"The dagger the witch gave me is inside of him?" Cami asks as she gazes down at Niklaus with slight fear.

"And every second it remains it causes Niklaus untold suffering" Asena answers while standing beside me, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Who stabbed him?" Cami asks looking  between Asena and myself.

"I did" I say and push past her to get closer to my brother who continues to stay in agonizing pain.

"Now I intend to remove it." I say. Asena moves to Cami and gently grabs her arm and pulls her back. "You might want to take step back" I hear Asena say.

"Why am I hear?" Cami asks from behind Asena who keeps her arms length from our brother.

"Because of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter" Asena says to Cami and then turns to me. "or maybe Caroline but we can't call to Mystic Falls" I smile slight at Asena's mention of Niklaus and Caroline.

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