"We are the definition of cursed"

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Dusk till Dawn~ Zayn ft Sia

Asena's POV

My eyes shoot open as oxygen fills my lungs. I silently gasp, trying to get my needed oxygen. I sit up straight and look around me. Rebekah was still missing but Elijah was still arguing with Niklaus.

"And I'm not entirely sure I can blame her" I hear Elijah say. I slowly stand up. I grasp the wall and slowly move around the tombs.

Reaching a corner I only poke out my head to watch my two brothers with narrowed eyes. Elijah catches my stare but does nothing to alert Niklaus.

"I can" Niklaus mutters, his voice dark and frightful. My eyes follow my twin as he flashes away. I roll my eyes as Elijah follows suit and stops in front of Niklaus again.

I appear behind them. Not attracting Niklaus's attention but Elijah's. He gives me a quick warning look not to do anything and shockingly I obey his silent order.

I'm beyond annoyed and angry at Niklaus for trying to frighten me.

"Niklaus so help me" Elijah says, his voice angry but just as dark as the voice belonging to the brother I'm front of him.

"Elijah, are you really going to stand against me?" Niklaus asks, not believing that his own blood would stand against him.

I narrow my blue eyes as I watch the two of them from behind the tomb.

"And not with that pathetic blade. You just have to pull it out some day, and then I'd hate you as I do Rebekah" Niklaus tilts his head still glaring at Elijah. "No, if you want to protect our youngest sister you'll need to use the white oak stake" Niklaus mocks, slowly walking towards Elijah.

Still glaring Elijah walks towards Niklaus, matching his pace. My eyes don't leave my two brothers.

"I don't have to listen to this nonsens" he says darkly. I can see his patience is wearing thin. "Oh don't pretend you haven't thought about it" Niklaus says still mocking our elder brother. "You look at me and you see everything you hate in yourself"

Elijah tightens his grip on the stake while Niklaus continues to mock the eldest who is becoming very impatient, even I can see that. "Sure you dress it up with your fancy suits and your handkerchiefs, you with your mask of civility and eloquence" Niklaus softly growls at Elijah who doesn't move. "You're every bit the abomination I am" I can barely see him breath under Niklaus's intense glare. "Or worse"

A smirk appears on Elijah's face and i can see the confusion in Niklaus's stance.

"So is our sister"

Using my hybrid strength I speed forward and kick Niklaus in the back, sending him flying past Elijah, slamming against an old tomb stone, almost breaking it.

Blowing a piece of blonde hair out of my face I glare down at my twin who easily gets back up on his feet.

"Well, Asena it seems you have awoken from your slumber" he smirks bitterly at me as he slowly waltzes towards me. I narrow my sapphire blue eyes at him. "Are you ready to be frightened by the sight of the white oak stake again sister" I continue to glare at him. "I mean you did cower behind our younger sister, that just shows how weak you are" a frightening growl rips through my throat and escapes my lips.

I grab Niklaus by his throat and throw him across the courtyard. I flash forward and stop a few feet from him. He flashes up ready to grab my throat but I stop his arm and twist it, snapping it in two places.

I lift his broken arm which results in his knees to buckle under him. I bare my teeth at him as my eyes focus on his blue ones. Blood dripping down the side of his head, stanning his ashy blonde hair.

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