"Hello Love"

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Before this chapter starts I have a note.
At the beginning of future chapters I will write the name of a song. This will be Asena's song list.

War of change~ Thousand footcrutch

Asena's POV

Walking into the house the smell of blood fills my nose. Following the scent I find myself in the living room. On the coffee table lies the body of a girl. A very dead girl.

"Goodmorning sister" I hear Elijah great me. Not answering I walk behind Niklaus. He doesn't even look up. I grab the candlestick next to me and hit him over the head with it which catches his attention.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" He asks jumping up rubbing the back of his head where a deadly gash was left, well deadly if your human.

"Was that really necessary Asena?" My head snaps to Elijah who starts to stand up. I scoff and look back at Niklaus.

"Where is it?" I hiss at him my eyes glowing and the veins growing under my eyes. He knew exactly what I meant and he's the only one who knew where I kept it.

"What are you..." realization dawns in his eyes and his anger slowly melts away. Gently he removes my deadly grip on him.

"I don't have it Asena?" He says gently and I knew he was speaking the truth.

"What are you two on about?" I turn around and look at my little sister and older brother who mirrored each other's confusion.

"It's the rings" Niklaus answers and withing seconds I grab him by his collar and throw him against the nearest wall.

Looking back at Elijah I see realization and...guilt evident in his eyes. Storming closer I leave little to nothing space between us.

"What did you do?" I hiss through gritted teeth. I could feel the tension in the air.

"Asena..." he starts.

"No, don't talk to me as if I'm a child" I growl at him. "WHERE IS IT?" I scream at him. I could've sworn I saw fear flashing in his eyes.

"I made a deal with Sophie Devereax the first night." I narrow my eyes at him. "She needed something of us to make sure we would not kill her so I gave her the rings"

In rage I grab him by his throat and throw him towards the furthest wall. I watch as he flies through, breaking the wall. As quick as lightning I break of the leg of the coffee table making the dead body tumble of. Speeding forward I stab his stomach with the stake. Before I could do anything else he grabs me by my throat and pins me against a wall which wasn't broken.

"Asena calm down" he almost shouts at me.

"No Elijah!" I shout at him before pushing him back.

"I realize you all hated father and so did I but he made those rings for my children for when they would grow up."

"Asena they have been dead for a thousand years..." Elijah starts.

"No!" I shout and he stops midsentence. "You all are allowed to mourn for your past lovers who are either dead or who have left you. Rebekah with Stefan Salvatore. Niklaus with Caroline Forbes and you with Celest 200 years ago!" I scream. Elijah slowly moves towards Rebekah and Niklaus.

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