"It's a long story"

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Asena's POV

Still in the tomb I watch the vampires. They haven't tried anything yet and I threaten them not to say something and what filled me with joy was that they complied.

"You can't trust the vampires, Sophie, their monsters" snorting I grab their attention. "Right here ladies" I say. They give wary glances before continuing.

"Something had to be done Agnes" Sophie snaps. I had to admit, I like Sophie, she had fire.

"And the solution was to bring in more vampires?" She asks, disgust clear in her voice. I could see I was going to kill this one sooner or later.

"Watch it. You witches can't do anything  without us. You might even die before you get another chance to practice magic again" I say smirking. Two witches, Sophie and Sabine try not to laugh.

"Are you calling me old?" She shrieks. I sign and continue.

"Yes or are you to death to hear me?" I ask and I could see her trying not to use her magic.

"Are you sure you can control the one hybrid?" Agnes asks Sophie, ignoring my statement completely.

"No she can't" we all turn around as Elijah walks in. "I'm not sure I can either"

He slowly walks in towards Sophie who's facial expression only hardens.

"I have one question" he starts, his intense gaze making Sophie flinch. "What stopd my brother from killing you all?" He asks and I watch them. That was a good question. I could have killed them all and saved Hayley.

Sophie only walks towards a table and picks up a thin scalpel, cutting her hand. A cry rings through the air and I look directly at Hayley.

"What the hell?" She asks. I gently grab her hand and look at it. There was a puncture mark on her palm, exactly where Sophie had cut herself.

"The spell my sister did, it didn't only confirm Hayley's pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley" I sign knowing we can't do anything.
"So if anything happens to Sophie, it happens to Hayley" I say and Sophie nods.

"Klaus may not care about his own daughter but it's pretty clear what it already means to you and Asena" I narrow my eyes at her and bite down on my teeth.

"Your, sweetheart are threatening an Original" I hiss at her before Elijah grabs my arm, trying to calm me down.

"I've got nothing to lose" sharing a look with Elijah I nod, knowing what to do.

"We've got our work cut out for us"

"Just find Klaus and bring him to me" I smirk as Marcel almost shouts into the phone. He was in deep shit.

"I can handle Klaus" he says and ends the call. I snort and enter with Elijah. I compelled them all to forget I was here.

Elijah looks around amused as every vampire in the restaurant stands up. I tilt my head to the side staring at a glaring Marcel.

"Are you sure about that?" Elijah asks. Signing Marcel motions for the young vampires to sit down.

"Elijah, Asena Mikaelson. What can do for you?" He asks. I sit down next to my brother and grab Marcel's bourbon glass.

"As I understand your friend will die by die weekend" I smirk as Marcel's eyes shift towards his hands, avoiding our stares.

"Although either my or Niklaus's blood could heel him" I say and his head snaps up, surprise.

"What?" He asks. I smirk and lean back in my chair looking at Marcel.

"Yes apparently the blood of the hybrid will heal a wolf bite but because your friend was bitten by Niklaus you need Niklaus's blood to save him" Elijah answers. Marcel narrows his eyes at both of us.

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