"She was the one who protected you"

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Mercy~ Shawn Mendes

Asena's POV


Hearing a whimper my eyes flutter open. I sit up straight and stare out in front of me. On my left lies my twin, Niklaus. Both of us very young.

Hearing the same whimper I look to my left to see smallest Rebekah terrified as the storm outside grows louder and louder.

Niklaus sits up and looks at me before looking back at Rebekah who continues to whimper in fright.

"There, there little sister" my young voice soothes Rebekah as I stand up and sit beside her. Niklaus soon joins me. "Hush now, it's just a storm" he says gently.

"Don't be afraid, I'll always be here to protect you" I continue to smile as Niklaus comforts our younger sibling. He looks back up at me.

"Go on and sleep Asena" he smiles gently at me. "I'll protect Rebekah just like I yse to protect you"

"Thank you Niklaus"

~Flashback over~

I glare at my older twin who is dead set on killing his baby sister and his younger twin who stands between him and Rebekah.

"Walk away" Elijah says stepping in front of us. "Asena get Rebekah out of here" Elijah says. I grab Rebekah's arm but don't speed away just yet.

"Don't move!" Niklaus growls at the three of us.

"Asena" Elijah warns. "Leave us now" Elijah growls still standing in front of both Rebekah and I.

"We can't, we're stuck" she says, her eyes never moving away from our deadly brother.

My eyes widen as Niklaus slowly lifts something in his hand. I squint trying to see what it is and then my eyes widen.


Barely a whisper as I stumble back. Rebekah immediately puts herself between the immortal white oak stake and myself. That stake came this close to killing me.

"Elijah, he has the white oak stake" Rebekah says pushing my petrified form even more behind her as to protect me.

"I brought it for you sister, Rebekah" he tilts his head to the side. "Not you, Asena, there is something much more deadly I have in mind for you"

I surprise myself as a growl rips through my throat and escapes my lips.

"Get out of sight, you presence here only angers him" Elijah orders but deny grabs me from Rebekah's grasp as Rebekah flashes away but not out of the cemetery.

"Leave him to Asena and I now" Elijah orders. My frightened state vanishes and step out from behind Elijah. My fear still bubbles in my chest but I won't give Niklaus the satisfaction of him frightening me.

My eyes widen as Elijah takes out the torture blade which was in Niklaus's chest.

"Now with Asena here as my witness I ask you, brother to brother to end this nonsense now" he says.

I stare at my two brothers. One deadly but calm, the other deadly but chaotic.

"You two would side with that traitor?" He asks his eyes freezing on me, daring me to say something. I only stare at him, not showing any emotions on my face.

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