"Was that a threat?"

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ET~Katy Perry (solo. No Kanye West)

Asena's POV

Walking into the compound with Elijah next to me. He was still angry at our brother for seemingly did not care about this city when he was the one who plotted against everyone so he could take this city, and as he put it, raise his child in this city.

Entering his room I watch as Elijah stands behind him, arms crossed over his chest while I casually lean against the old doorframe.

"Not a fan of serilion blue?" Niklaus asks amused as he turns around and stares at both Elijah and myself.

"I'm not a fan of your continued indifference" Elijah states plainly causing Niklaus to roll his blue eyes while pushing past our brother to continue painting.

I walk closer and stare crossed arm at the painting. My eyes follow the gentle streaks of blue but don't waver from the harsh red behind them. Looking back I see my two brother glowering at each other, like always.

"Well it's difficult" his smirk quickly flashes towards me. "trying to unite a community" I snort which earns the annoyed look from my twin and a mildly amused look from my older brother. "who has a history of mutual loathing" I raise my perfectly shaped eyebrow at him and rip the dripping paint brush from his grasp.

"It can't be that difficult" I say shrugging my shoulders, attracting both my brothers attention. "I mean our family has been together for a thousand years" Elijah's lips twitch slightly, trying not to smile. "Surely it can't be that difficult, Niklaus" I say smirking whilst leaning against his desk.

"Asena" Elijah warns but his voice isn't harsh or stern, a little amused. He finds me being able to annoy my twin very satisfying.

"Spare me the platitudes Niklaus" Elijah says, loosing his amused stance. He was highly annoyed at my twin.

"Perspective then" I raise my eyebrows at Niklaus. "If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves, a hundred years ago they had a run at ruiling this city, as of late all they've had is time to watch their enemies tear down that legacy"

My amused and mocking mood vanishes as my twin speaks of the werewolves who aren't involved in the new peace order of New Orleans.

"All the more reason their enemies are reluctant to bring them to the table" Elijah says not looking at me.

"Elijah" I say tilting my head to the side as he looks at me. "The werewolves were once part of this city" he signs and closes his eyes while still listening to me. "They deserve a voice of the board and if not Hayley, who?" I hiss starting to get angry. I might as well be bipolar considering I'm friendly and welcoming to me brother and then harsh and cold towards him only moments later.

"Take a page from Asena's book" I raise my eyebrow and watch as Niklaus places his arm around Elijah's shoulder while talking. "Brother, if the table is the opsticle, remove it" Niklaus says before turning but not before giving me a quick smile.

Turning my back I start to storm out of Niklaus's room only for Elijah to stop in front of me with a questioning look on his face.

"Where are you going, sister?" He asks raising his eyebrow at me.

"Thalia is out in the bayou with Hayley and the werewolves and I need to talk to them" I say and walk away only for him to appear in front of me again. "Asena I implore you" I begins and this time it's my turn to raise an eyebrow. "Don't start trouble where it is not needed, especially now when I'm so close to peace treaty with the people of New Orleans" I sight through my nose and cross my arms over my chest.

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