"I'm Thalia Claire"

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Asena's POV
1000 years ago

"Come on just one more push" I hear my mother say. With one last push a scream escapes my lips and my eyes screw shut.

"Wait here comes another baby" I hear Lydia, my late husband's mother, my mother in law. My head falls back on the goat skin pillows as I start to push again.

"The babies are here" I hear my mother say. Opening my eyes I look at my mother and mother in law who is holding my babies. I hold out my arms and very gently they place the two tiny humans in my arms.

Laughing I look at the two infants in my arms. They were twins. Looking up at my mom I see her smile at me.

"Which one is older?" I ask and my mother opens the door. I smile as my father, brothers and sister walk in. For the first time in years I see a glint of joy in his eyes as his mouth turns up into a smile.

The rest of my siblings along with Finn who's usually a bore smiles at my two children.

"The boy is older" my mother finally answers and I smile down at them. I lean down and softly kiss their foreheads causing them to slightly cry which causes me to giggle a little.

I feel someone sit down next to me and I look up to see it's my twin. I smile as I see admiration in his blue eyes.

"What are their names sister?" He says leaning closer. He gently grabs my little boy's little hand and her fingers curl around his finger. I laugh slightly. Looking up I see Kol leaning forward smiling at my daughter. Her hand slightly stretches out soflt grabbing Kol's long hair and I smile yet again.

"My little boy's name is Weylyn and my little girl's name is Avyanna. Weylyn and Avyanna Mikaelson" I say smiling at my two angles.

My eyes snap open as the memory ends. I take a shaky breath and sit up straight. The memory shook me down to the core. My two perfect angles. On the night of their 1ste birthday they died. Ayana told me they weren't strong enough so the winter killed them.

I drag my hand through my long blonde hair. Everyday I miss them. They were perfect. I stand up and walk towards my night stand. Opening the drawer I take out the old paper. The paper was over a thousand years old but i remember my mother putting a spell on it to protect it.

Another shaky breath escapes through my lips as I stare at the drawing. It was a drawing of my babies. That night they passed away Niklaus drew it for me.

I set down the drawing and walk over to my closet to pick an outfit, I was going out today to find my older brother.

I walk over to my night stand and pick the drawing again. Gently I fold it twice before putting it in my jacket pocket.

Walking out I hear my little sister enter. I smile slightly as she starts to yell after Hayley told her Elijah left.

"KLAUS GET OUT HERE YOU NARSISTIC BACKSTABBING BASTARD!" I sign as her high pitched voice rings through my ears.

"Shut it Rebekah!" I shout at her just as Niklaus walks through the doors. Rebekah's wide eyes meet mine.

"Little sister" Niklaus greets Rebekah and her stare leaves mine and she looks at Niklaus with a glare.

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