"This isn't the end"

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See you again~ Charlie Puth ft Tyga

Asena's POV

My eyes snap open and I feel pain flow through my body. Gasping I slowly sit up only for my vision to start to blur. Groaning in pain I put all my weight on my arms to try and push myself up only to loose all will in my arms.

"Asena" I look up to see Elijah covered in blood, his neck almost completely ripped open. Smelling the werewolf venom I grab his arm to pull myself up.

I look around to see dead vampires everywhere. Blood pools every few steps. My grip on his jacket sleeves tighten as I try to stay upright.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Francesca and her brothers are werewolves" my eyes widen. Upon seeing the bite marks in his neck I lift my wrist and rip into the flesh. I hold it out to Elijah and he gently takes my wrist and starts to drink. He pulls away I see the holes starting to heal but blood stays stained on his skin.

"Where's Hayley? Where's Niklaus?" I asked panicked.

"He went to kill Marcel, but I fear something may have happened" I shake my head and start to turn away only for my vision to darken for a moment and then return. I feel Elijah tightly grab my arms, keeping me upright.

"Niklaus can take care of himself, we must find Hayley. I don't trust Francesca and I have a theory that Genevieve has something to do with Hayley's disappearance" Elijah says still holding me as the two of us start to rush out of the compound. Running down the streets we see car windows broken, broken street lamps and pools of blood, from both Niklaus and Marcel.

"Can you find a scent?" Elijah asks as we continue to rush down the streets. I close my eyes and quickly snap them open, my eyes start to glow. Taking in a deep breath I stop as I find a scent.

"Marcel, back at the compound" I whisper and Elijah quickly flashes us both back.
He gently places me so I'm leaning against a wall.

"MARCEL!" he shouts and  speeds over towards Marcel but Cami quickly stavss in front of Marcel.

"Where is Hayley!" He asks, his voice filled with rage.

"He doesn't have her" Cami says and starts to plead. I only narrow ky eyes at her. "Please Elijah, I know you do trust him but you know I would lie, ge doesn't have her," I look at Marcel who was,breathing heavily. I push myself off of the wall and stalk over to Marcel who glares at me and I gladly return it with a deadlier one.

"Someone does" he sneers quietly. He gently grabs my arm and we stalk towards Marcel who stands in the door.

"Where is my brother?" He asks, his voice low and dark.

"I left him in the street, he was gonna kill me and then he got jacked up by some witch's spell" my eyes widen and I look up at Elijah who shares a knowing look with me.


Two screams echo through the empty sky of the French Quarter.

One of pain and fear.
One of anger and vengeance.

A loud, deadly growl rips through my lips, my eyes become warm telling me their glowing and a tingling sensation under my eyes tell me the veins under my eyes are growing. The anger towards the werewolves, the humans, the witches are strong.

"You two aren't going anywhere near the child"

We stop and glare at the witch who put me in excruciating pain only mere moments ago.

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