"Stupid bloody magic"

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Ready for it~ Taylor Swift

Asena's POV

My eyes don't leave the, what I believe, is an illusion. My cold eyes don't leave the smirking figure in front of me. Her light lips pulled up into a smirk, eyebrow raised and her hands rest  on her hips.

"Well I would've thought that after being dead for almost two years" she slowly takes a step towards me. "You would welcome me with open arms, Asena"

My eyes narrow at her. This was the girl I once loved. The girl who died in front of me. The girl who was killed by my siblings.

There is no way this is not a trick.

"You're not real" I growl at her. Still smirking she crosses her arms over her chest. "You died in front of me" I shake my head still glaring at her. "This is a nightmare"

A laugh leaves her lips. She studies me and tilts her head to the side. I cross my arms over my chest. Mirroring her stance.

"This is nowhere near a nightmare" she smiles at me.

I watch warily as she takes another step towards me. She looks up at me and her brown eyes connect me with mine.Slowly her hand moves up towards my face.

Just as her fingers grab a lock of my sandy blonde hair I snap into action. My hand snaps up and I grasp her by her throat and pin her against the nearest wall.

"Who do you think you are?" I growl at her baring my teeth. I feel the veins under my eyes start to grow and my eyes glow their deadly yellow colour.

"I was your love once" she says while smiling at me. My grip starts to tighten very quickly.

"No" I say through gritted teeth. My breath was becoming rapid due to my anger. My eyes stare into her deep brown eyes. "Sienna Bennett is dead" I growl at her.

Before I could think what was happening I lean forward and I crash my lips onto hers. I close my eyes.

Her lips were so familiar, it seemed like she never left. This felt so right. Her lips were so familiar.

I pull back with my eyes still closed. My hand was still clasped around her throat but it wasn't tight so she was able to breath.

"What was that about?" I hear Sienna ask. Opening my eyes, Sienna was smirking up at me. She was smirking before she was killed and she smirking after death still.

"Let's just say, I had to know that this wasn't some trick coming from the other side" she raises her eyebrow at me. "Say my mother was in the mood to make my life a living hell" I raise my hand and motion towards her. "Say by bringing back my old love back to life" I say raising my eyebrow at her.

"What do you think now?" She asks, clearly curious.

"That this is some sort of a trick" I say breathing hard. I let go of her throat and watch as she stumbles forward. "Doesn't mean that I have to deny it" I say and I grab her wrist. Ripping forward I crash my lips on her lips once again. A small gasp leaves her lips before her arms go around my neck and mine grasp her shoulders.

Our lips move in harmony as if they haven't been apart for almost two years.

Pulling back I look at her and a smile spreads across my face. Mirroring my expression she smiles at me.

"I've missed you" I whisper and lean forward resting my forehead against hers.


I left Sienna in die cemetery. I need to get back to my siblings before they become suspicious, and with my luck they've probably already sent out a search party for me.

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