Chapter Forty-One

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I tilted my head to the side. "Shelly Madison? Who is she? 'Cause it sounds like that she belongs in a fanfiction."

"She does," Kale-9 confirmed. "However, she is our writer's oc, which stands for 'own character.' At least, that is what I believe that it stands for."

I snapped my fingers. "There you go again. You broke the fourth wall."

"I am surprised that you are taken aback by it. I assumed that all who are in and reading this book would get used to it by now. After all, it makes the series extra special."

I rubbed my chin. "True. No other book breaks the fourth wall more than a single Forlot book."

Kale-9 scratched the side of his head. "What I am curious about is why they call it that. Breaking the fourth wall. I mean, nobody actually breaks any walls that are fourth."

"It is a figure of speech."


"Yes. There are plenty of figures of speech in the English language. Like bring home the bacon."

"Does anybody actually bring home the bacon?"

"I am afraid not."

"But what if someone was in the mood for bacon?"

"Who would be? Nowadays, people are offended by that phrase because they think that it offends vegans."

" is just a harmless phrase."

"They do not care. They just want to see how much they can get away with. Frankly, I am sick and tired of folks getting easily offended. They are ruining everything!"

"Ah. Well, thank you for telling me that. Now I feel more than pleased to not be a human."

"I am glad that I am fictional and not a real worlder."

"Ari, is it? Shall we return to what we were discussing about?"

"Absolutely. And yes. My name is Ari. So what were we talking about again?"

"We were discussing how me and my people were enslaved by Sinosum and left off on Shelly Madison."

"Right. I remember now. Who is she anyway? And why would Sinosum want her?"

"She is a big deal around Forlot. Are you sure that you have not heard of her?"

I shook my head. "Does not ring a bell."

"Shelly has an important job here in Forlot. She is a Lubriem."

My bottom jaw opened a little, and my eyes widened. That was familiar to me. But why? I had never heard that peculiar word in my entire life.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed the computer that I had used before the creatures who were dressed as Collin and my friends at the time came in and interrupted my focus. I instantly remembered the folder known as 'T.L.'

'The Lubriem,' I guessed. Was that what it stood for?

"I know that word," I finally choked out.

"You do?" Kale-9 said. "Then I guess that I do not have to explain to you what it means."

"Oh, you will have to."

"What? Why? You just told me that you knew of the Lubriem."

"I know of the word. Not the meaning itself."

"...ah. I understand now. Okay. I get it."

"So what is the Lubriem?"

Instead of answering my question, he took a book from...somewhere...and handed it to me. I examined the cover of the book. The title was 'Who Framed Her?'

I held it up and pointed at it. "Why did you give this to me?"

"It is a Forlot book," Kale-9 commented. "It is the story that comes right before this one."

"...okay, why are we being so aware of ourselves and this series? The average fictional character would never do that."

"To prove a point."

"And what point would that be?"

He snatched back the book, opened it for me, and returned to me. "Sorry to do that to you, but there is no time to explain."

"But you and your goons just stood here with me for at least five minutes. You were explaining tons of things!"

"That is when I had the time. I barely have any." He put a finger up to his lips. "I hear him."


Kale-9 leaned close to me and shushed me. "Lower your voice. He will hear you."

"Who? Sinosum?" I was now whispering.

"Correct. I can feel his presence. His feet are making creaky noises beneath. The sounds of his staff clanking against the wooden floorboards." He grasped both of my shoulders and gently shook me. "He is heading to this room. The room that we are in."

I let a gasp. "What do we do?"

Hold it? Did I trust these creatures?

"Act natural, and do not do anything stupid. It will only anger him."

I decided to take their advice. "Got it."

Suddenly, a person teleported into the room. It was Sinosum. He was glaring at all of us. An evil smile then spread across his face when his eyes landed on me.

"Ari," he said with a creepy tone. "I am so very pleased that you have awaken from your long, deep slumber. My son cannot wait to see you."

The plot twist came back to me as soon as he mentioned "son." I growled with hatred in my heart, however, it is not the kind of hatred that you think.

"You...!" I exclaimed.

I really wanted to say a bad word, but if you know my writer, she does not take a liking to using inappropriate language in any of her books. Why? 'Cause she happens to respect her fans.

"He is not your son!" I was going to say more when I realized what Kale-9 told me. To not tick off the wizard. I shut my mouth and glanced down at my shoes.

There was silence. Then Sinosum laughed.

"You are adorable when you yell," the wizard said. "Anyway..." He waved his staff around, and blue light flashed in front of him. It instantly disappeared and was replaced by a girl.

"Look who I found."

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