Chapter Six

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Triste let out a yelp and jumped back. " are a talking bird."

The red bird was little and had orange feet. She perched herself on the feeder and smirked. "Yeah. I am talking. Is that a problem?"

"N-no. Not at all. It just caught me by surprise. You are a talking animal."

The bird pointed her feathery wing at him. "So are you. Have you forgotten?"

His furry cheeks were changing to a cherry red, and he looked away from her and me. "Y-you know what? You are correct on that fact." I heard him let out a sigh. "No wonder I am the idiot of the tribe."

This was not the first time that Triste had downgraded himself. He practically bullied his own self, believing that he was not good enough. Not good enough for the tribe. Not good enough for Grand Wolf. Not good enough for me. But he was good enough for me. And I loved him like the brother that I always desired, unlike my older brother, Tyler, who treated me with anything but kindness.

I got down next to him and began to scold him. "Triste. We have been over this. You are worthy. Why, you are so worthy that the kingdom does not deserve you." I gently wrapped my arms around his furry neck and pulled him close. "Do you not remember the times when you saved me? Saved my life?"

You heard it here, dear readers. Triste is my hero.

Because the lumberjacks and guards explored parts of the woods on a daily basis, the tribe and I would always pack up and move to another location. Before we would leave what was our temporary home, Grand Wolf would always ask me if I had any desire to return home, the home that hated what I assumed was destined for me. Unlike my parents, Grand Wolf cared for me and treated me like I was his long, lost wolf child. He wanted to make sure that I still wanted to stay with him and the other wolves.

This was always or somewhat similar to my response:

"I never want to go back to the kingdom, Grand Wolf. Besides, why do I need to return there when my home is in these woods? With you? With the others?"

A smile would always spread across the old wolf's face. I guess that even he considered me as part of his family, which I could not be happier. Also, I was not like the humans of the kingdom, for I did not judge.

Well, after I found out the truth about the Wolflets. But even then, that was not my fault. My own parents lied to me.

"Hold it," Tabceo said. "This wolf saved you?"

"More times than I can count," I answered.

Word spread around the kingdom of my "disappearance," and most were sure that I was dead. They believed that I was eaten by the Wolflets. I do not care though. I was just glad that they thought that I was dead.

Unfortunately, my mom and dad did not think the same. Otherwise, the guards would have stopped searching in the woods for me. And it had been almost five years. Why could they not just give up?

There had been times when I was almost spotted and caught by the guards, and Triste rescued me every time.

Like I said in the last chapter, Triste was fragile. However, trust me when I say that you do not want to get him mad, especially if it has to do something with me.

One time, I tripped, and Triste helped me up, letting me sit on him even though that I was heavy for him, and rode off with me. Another time, I was grabbed by a guard and tried to get away. He would have forced me back to the kingdom if not for Triste.

He was ticked. Foam formed between the corners of his mouth, and he clenched his sharp teeth, showing them off. Then he lunged at the guard. Bit him. Scratched him. Punched him. Until the mean guard was dead.

Triste thought that I would get upset at his aggressive actions, but I was filled with happiness that he saved me.

I tilted my head up at Tabceo. "So...Ta...Ta...bak..."

"It is pronounced Ta-bak-eo," the bird explained. "It is spelled T-A-B-C-E-O."

"Oh. Nice. So what brings you here?"

"What else?" She lifted up one of her feet and pointed it at the bird feeder. "I am joining in on the free buffet!" With her orange beak, she scooped up some pieces of the food and chewed. She then swallowed. "Say, you are a human."

"Yep. I am Maria. And this is my good friend. Triste. We are from the Wolflet tribe." I motioned to the pack.

Tabceo seemed confused. "You lost me."

"Hmm? I lost you?"

"Okay, okay. I got the part where you and Triste are friends and that he is from this pack, but..."

"But what?" Triste questioned, puffing out his furry chest.

"...she is a human. Maria is. Why is she with you guys and not with the rest of the humans in the kingdom?"

My wolf friend and I glanced at each other.

"Should we tell her?" he asked in a low whisper.

"It would not hurt," I whispered back.

"But we just met her. We barely know her. She could go off and tell the king and queen."

"Mom and Dad hate animals. No way would they listen to her."

He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Well, not out of his mouth.

A strange sound was heard. It echoed throughout.

All of the wolves immediately raised their heads, and Triste rubbed himself against my leg, shaking.

"W-what was that?" he stammered.

We then heard a low groan and glanced down.

There was Tabceo. She was shot.

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