Chapter Twenty

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With Tabceo still perched on my shoulder, I made my way into the woods. The woods were deep, and I am probably only saying that because I had never been in these particular ones before.

It was quiet. Too quiet. There was no wind that was swaying in the air and causing the leaves on the trees to follow its pattern.

Speaking of the trees, they were tall. Like, so tall that I swear that the tops of them were touching the sky. The long, skinny branches and colorful leaves praised the purple sky.

When I was taking a look up at the sky, I admired how glorious it was. The color was a mix of a dark purple that was not too dark and a light purple that was not too light.

"Wow," I said out loud so my bird friend heard me. "I may have never been in these woods, but I can already tell that this is the most that I have seen of the magnificent sky. No buildings blocking out its beauty."

I was surprised at myself that I compared unknown woods to my home, considering that the trees are much taller here than the ones back at home.

"Well, of course," Tabceo said. "I can see the sky too. I can see it in all of its majesty."

"Why do you think that is, Tabceo? I mean, these woods seem long and wide. Even the trees want pieces of the purple sky."

"The trees want the sky? Pfft! I think that it is because there are not much trees here. It looks like that most of them have been cut down. See the stumps?"

I did not want to believe it myself. Not until I actually saw the proof. And when I did...when my own eyes laid upon a huge stump...I felt a tear going down my cheek.

"Who...who would do this?" I managed to choke out. "Such an evil deed! The trees only want to be one with the sky."

"I think that chopping down trees is not downright evil," Tabceo remarked. "Not if you were going to do something useful to the wood, like make fire with it."

I pointed. "Like that one?"

Not far from where we were, there was a small fire, and right behind that was a tall and narrow cave.

We heard sounds now, and they were coming from the fire. The fire was crackling against pieces of wood as it sat on top of them and engulfed them, transforming them into nothing but black dust.

"Who the crub would build a fire and leave it unattended?" Tabceo wondered.

As I brought me and my bird friend closer and closer to the fire, we could easily see inside the cave. It was lit up thanks to the fire, but not all the way, for the cave was apparently deep.

That was when I got an idea. Yeah, it was stupid, but I was curious and bet that the red bird was too.

I pointed to the inside of the cave. "Let us go in it."

"What?!" Tabceo almost fell off my shoulder, but managed to keep her balance in time. "There is no way that we are going in there."

My face saddened. "Why not?"

"For one thing, a dangerous animal could be living in there, like a bear, leopard, or a bunch of bats. This cave could be their home."

I shrugged. "Yeah. Sure." I pointed a finger at the fire. "And I suppose that an animal gained sudden intelligence and built this little fire all by him or herself."

"Hey. In Forlot, animals can do that. We can communicate with you humans. Why, I could make fire in less than a second."

I smirked. "Okay." I scooped her up with one hand and set her on the ground. "Show me."

She looked up at me. "Show you what?"

"That you can make fire. I want to see you do it."

Even though that her whole body was completely covered in red feathers, it was easy to tell that she was blushing.

"Uh, sorry. I cannot make it with these little things." She held up both her wings.

"Fine. Then I will get you a couple of twigs that are just your size."

When I said that, she had on a pouty face.

"I hate you."

I giggled. I knew that she was only joking. She did not really hate me.

But what occurred next almost gave me a heart attack.

Bright light flashed down on me and Tabceo. And no, it was not the same light from the fire. This was a different kind of light. White light.

And it was coming from the cave!

"Silence, you mortals!" a voice boomed. It echoed throughout the inside of the cave. "I am the Great Cave of Conscious. And before you even ask, no. Neither an animal nor human is living within me. I am a wise cave that is alive and can speak."

"Whoa," Tabceo said, shielding her eyes with her wing. "I never thought that would happen in the fictional world. But we are in Forlot. Anything can happen."

"I only reveal myself and speak to those who are worthy," the cave continued. And now that I see who exactly is in front of me..."

"How can you see?" the bird asked. "You have no eyes."

The cave ignored her. "Maria, please step into me. I mean, my cave."

I was shielding my eyes and squinted through the light, attempting to see any parts of the cave.

Tabceo raised a wing. "May I come in too?"

"No!" the cave roared. "I mean, no. Just Maria."

Keeping my eyes shielded, I slowly walked in.

"Good. Now stop."

I did as I was told and halted.

"Do you know who you are, Maria?"

I shrugged, unsure of how to answer that. "A princess who does not want to be one?"

"You are...a pure heart."

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