Chapter Twenty-Five

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Below is a song that was sung by a certain person:

I had a mother,
And a father,
But my father left us,
So it was just me,
And my mother,
And Mom was unhappy.

She was sad,
And depressed,
'Cause she loved my father,
And she almost took her life,
But I made her happy.

Every time that she was in a state,
Of sadness or depressed,
I would be there to cheer her up.

I was her world,
I helped save her from taking herself,
I thought that I was good enough,
But apparently, I was not.

One day,
We got some news,
That my mother was pregnant,
It was a girl,
My sister,
Which meant another to play with.

Then not too long after that,
We went to the store and got some stuff,
My mother asked me to get something,
That she supposedly forgot,
I happily did so,
But when I came back,
She was gone.

I thought that maybe,
Just maybe,
That she assumed that I was following her home,
Little did I know,
That when I returned home,
I was not missed.

My mother and father,
Were back together,
And they were talking,
About me,
They were glad that I was gone.

That is wonderful, is it not?,
That is good, is it not?,
My father only left,
Because of me,
And my mother wanted to get rid of me,
'Cause of my anxiety disorder.

To make it worse,
To end it all,
I was kidnapped and abused.

And I keep trying to escape...
Keep trying to escape...

But I cannot!
Once upon a time, there was a young boy who had a mom and dad.

Did you catch that? He had a mom and dad. He does not have either of them anymore. You could say that he was an orphan.

How did something like that happen in the first place? I am glad that you asked.

His mother and father had been together for a very long time. They were not married, but had planned on it once their new baby was born.

Little did they know that the baby would tear their family apart. Or more precisely, the young boy.

Before the boy's birth, the parents were already preparing for his arrival. Or in this case, her arrival.

You see, they were expecting a baby girl. Neither of them wanted a boy because of...political views.

Unfortunately for them, out came a beautiful baby boy. And even though that he was perfectly healthy, the parents did not take a liking to him.

Out of the two, the father hated his new son the most and blamed the mother for him existing. Then he stormed out of the hospital room, drove to their house, and packed up his stuff. He left them that night.

The mother was devastated. She held her son in her arms as she cried. The baby boy just cooed and kicked with those little legs of his.

Hearing his soft coos, she wiped her tears with her hospital gown and looked down at him.

She thought that...maybe it would not be so bad to raise a boy.

The mom decided to keep him in her care and had been taking good care of him ever since.

Well, up until this point.

Before, the mom and the son always had fun with each other, and it was especially nice for her.

There were times when she wanted to give up and do...unspeakable things. She had to get a job in order to care for her son and was away from home a lot. But thanks to her son, she felt better.

Using his cheerfulness, the son was able to help her get through depression and even stopped her from taking herself. She could not have been more grateful.

One day, the mother invited the father to the house, and they did...things. Soon after, they discovered that they were going to have a baby girl.

Yes. This baby was definitely a girl.

Their son was excited as well. "I am getting a new playmate!" he always repeated.

Not even a week later, the mother asked her son if he would like to go shopping with her. She knew that he loved to shop. It gets you out of the house, and you find enjoyable things.

While the father stayed at home, they went to the store and got the things that they needed. And it did not take them long because the boy was a huge help. He loved helping his mother.

As they were checking out, the mom asked her son if he could go and fetch something that she forgot to get.

The boy did so without hesitation. But when he returned...

...she was gone.

Where was she? Why did she leave him?

He thought that maybe she assumed that he was following her home. Luckily for him, he knew the location of his house.

After paying for the item using his allowance, the boy had to walk quite a bit. He eventually reached his house and peered through the window.

There were his mom and dad. Sitting on the couch that was by the window and chatting about the new baby.

He was about to run in there and embrace them in a hug, when something stopped him.

Their conversation. They were now talking about him.

"Did you get rid of him?" the dad asked.

"Yep," the mom replied. "It was easy. I told him to fetch me something that I obviously did not need and left the store as soon as he disappeared down the aisle."

"Excellent. But wait. What if he comes back here? He know where this house is."

"If he does, I will keep taking him to places and leaving him. He will get the idea eventually. I do not want to raise a son who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder."

Poor Caleb. He was heartbroken.

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