Chapter Four

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Ava was alone in her small cottage. Her brother, Slapi, had to go somewhere and do something. Where? And what? She did not care. Besides, she was on her own agenda.

It was quiet and peaceful in her cottage, and she loved it. No loud noises. No interruptions. Just stillness.

Her cottage was located deep in the woods. Nobody would find her. Not even Margie, Nigel, Hansel, and Gretel. The four of them were part of the reason why she had recently moved to this cottage. To not be found out and arrested for one attempting murder and 64 murders - those all were fictional characters who are in other worlds.

Unfortunately for her, she could not return to her little house. She would easily be caught and thrown in jail.

No. Not now. She had big plans.

Ava was sitting in a rocking chair and reading a book. She rocked back and forth.

"And the evil girl's assistant died. End!"

There was a loud knock on her front door, and she shut the book and growled.

"Who could it be at this time of day?"

She was not at all surprised that there a visitor. It was obvious that it was not Margie, Nigel, Hansel, and Gretel. After all...they were murdered.

She leaped off the rocking chair and tossed the book on it. "Who the crub is it?"

"Ava. It is me. Cindy."

"Cindy? As in...Caleb's girlfriend?"

"Yes. We need to talk. It is about...Caleb."

Ava crossed the room and opened the door. "Come in." She motioned her inside.

Cindy stormed in and did not look good. Her skin was pale, and she was still wearing the same yellow dress. She clutched a small, yellow bag in her hand.

"Cindy..." Ava began as she closed the door. "...I heard what happened to Caleb. I am terribly sorry."

Cindy sniffed. "Are you sorry?"

"Of course. Caleb was my friend too."

" will be happy to hear this. Caleb did not die."

"He did not?"

"The doctors and nurses who were trying to save him made a miscalculation."

"Ah. So he is okay."

"He is definitely not okay!" She wiped her nose. "He...he is in a coma!"

" gosh. The poor dear."

"Do not 'poor dear' me!"

"Cindy, you should calm—"

"I will never be calm! Not to you!"

With rage, Cindy held out her hand - and slapped Ava's face.

"Ow!" Ava cried. She held the side of her face.

"And that is not even close to what you deserve! You son of a dang it!"

Ava rubbed her cheek. "What are you talking about?"

"Caleb told me all about you after he was released from the hospital. And that was after you shot him!"


"Do not pretend that you have no idea to what I am referring to! You shot Caleb 64 times. No mercy."

"That is because he ticked me off."

"You abused him for years on end."

"That is not my fault. He keeps coming back to me because he has nowhere else to go."

"That is because you scare him! He is afraid of you, so he thinks that you will not harm him if he is on your side."

"Says the girlfriend who has trouble protecting her boyfriend."

Cindy clenched her hand into a tight fist. "Why, I ought to—"


"...huh?" Cindy was shocked by the sweet voice.

She and Ava looked to where it came from.

There was a young boy. He was wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and orange shorts. He was holding a teddy bear.

"Mama?" The boy hugged Ava's legs, and Ava scooped him up.

Cindy blinked a few times. "Who the heck is this?!"

"Mama? Who is that?" the boy asked with curiosity.

Ava kissed his forehead. "Cal, this is your dad's girlfriend."

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