Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes darted from one wolf to the next, and I pressed my back against a door that was behind me. I spread out my arms and placed them on the wall, trying to keep my balance.

I was...well, I was more than surprised. Heck, more than in shock! And I was not the only one.

My wolf family could not believe what we had just overheard. All of their mouths were hanging open, and their eyes were bulging, like that they were coming out of the sockets. I will admit that it was a bit disturbing.

Even Grand Wolf was taken aback, and Triste was the most shocked. His face looked as if he had wetted himself.

And unfortunately, he did.

Tabceo raised her head and sniffed. "Ew," she whispered. "What is that smell?"

"That was me. Sorry," Triste apologized. "I do that whenever I am nervous. Especially when I am around Maria."

"Huh. Well, that would explain all those puddles that suddenly appeared on our way to this castle."

The poor wolf lowered the front half of his body. He whimpered and covered his eyes with his paws. "I am so ashamed..."

"Aw. Triste," I said.

I went up to him and got down on my knees. I put a hand on top of his head and petted him. He just loves when I pet him.

Triste's tail began wagging back and forth, and he moved his furry paws away from his eyes and glanced up at me. His ears lowered.

"I am sorry, Maria," he apologized again. "I know that I should be trained..."

"Shh." I pulled his head into my lap. "It is normal for children to do what you do from time to time."

"But I am old. I am practically an adult!"

"Dude, you are turning thirteen soon. You have not even been a teenager yet!" one of the wolves pointed out.

"Yeah, but..." His voice trailed off, and his teeth began chattering. "M...Maria..."

"What is the matter, Triste?" I asked him. "Are you cold? Should I fetch a blanket for you?"

"M-Maria...Maria, watch out!"

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