Chapter Twenty-Four

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I felt a lump in my throat as she explained all of this to me. I knew that my parents were not at all parents, but they had planned on forcing me to help a species that would eventually murder me? What were they thinking?

That is the thing. They were not.

"Are you alright, Maria?" Ada asked me.

I gave the front of my neck a good massage. "Physically, yes."

"Ah. So you are taken aback."


"And why is that? You should not be surprised that your own mother and father would do something like this to you. If they really cared about you, they would leave you be and allow you to continue living with the Wolflets."

"How did you know that?" Tabceo questioned her. "Neither Maria nor I told you about the Wolflets."

"Like I said, that is for you to find out. Plus, I ran into one of the Wolflets."

I could not believe what I was hearing and blinked twice. "You...saw a Wolflet?"

"I most certainly did. He even told me his name. Do you happen to know a wolf named Triste?"

"Yes!" Tabceo and I exclaimed in unison.

"He is my closest and best friend," I explained to Ada. "Is he still around here?"

"I am afraid not, child. He is long gone."

My face saddened, and I was on the verge of tears.

"Do not cry, young one. You can find him easily."

"Really?" A tear streamed down my cheek.

"I promise with all my heart." Once again, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room, out of her cottage, and to the strange part of the world that I was unfamiliar with.

With Tabceo flying behind us, Ada led us farther and farther away from her cottage and deeper and deeper into the woods.

About two minutes later, Ada stopped in her tracks and let go of my hand. I came to a halt as well, and the bird was back to perching herself on my shoulder.

"Why did you lead us into a deep part of the woods?" Tabceo wondered.

The old woman did not answer her question directly. Instead, she asked us a question of her own.

"You see that path?" She pointed with her cane at the ground.

The bird and I squinted at where she was referring to and saw something that stood out from the dirt, grass, and tall trees.

There was a long and wide path. A purple path. Twisting to avoid the trees and stretching out into the unknown.

"I sent your wolf friend on this path," Ada said. "I saw with my own eyes when he went down this path. So you must go down here too."

"Oh. Okay," I said. "Thanks."

"Anything for a Pure Heart. And I cannot come with you. I must stay and keep an eye on my cottage."

I thanked her again and said my goodbyes to her. All the while, Tabceo was silent.

When the old lady had disappeared out of sight, I asked my friend if something was the matter.

She crossed her wings and shrugged. "I still do not trust Ada. My gut is telling me that something is up."

"Come on, Tabceo. What could that interesting, sweet lady do that would make her untrustworthy?"

She looked ahead and gasped. "How about those skeletons?!"

I quickly glanced at where she was looking - and could not believe it.

Skeletons. Tons of skeletons. In front of us and piled up.

And at the top of the pile...was a live person.

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