Chapter Sixteen

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We were taken aback by George's presence. Jane, who had a purse with a long strap over her shoulder, swung her purse around so that it was hiding behind her.

Jenny raised a fist. "Get out of our way. Or I will not hesitate to punch you."

George clicked his tongue. "To think that you hold your writer near and dear," he stated. "However, it seems to me that you go overboard and will do anything to please her."

Jane's face twisted in disgust. "Yuck! How you phrased that...that we would please sounds dirty!"

His skin instantly grew pale, and he held up two fingers and rubbed one of his temples. "T-that is not what I meant."

"We know," I said. "That was a joke aimed for adults."

"Look...I know that I am a new villain who was just introduced to this book series, but did the writer not specify that this was for children?"

"It is," Billy answered. "But it is also for the adults. For all ages!"

Jane nodded in agreement. "And have we not established that this series has ways for disturbing features? In the first book, a robot ripped out a ghost's eyes. In the second book, an evil shadow purposely drowned a mother. In book three, two kids were eaten alive by a creature. Though, the creature released them right before they could be digested."

I continued the list. "In book four, characters kept getting shot. In book five, a poor girl was diagnosed with all the diseases and conditions that exist in the real world. And in book six, there was a bunch of psychos! A girl let her boyfriend kill her!"

George raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Eh. Those events are no different to what occurs in the real world."

"What are you doing here?" Jim demanded, ending the fourth wall once and for all.

"The reason question is what are you six up to?"

"We are on a field trip. Duh," Jenny replied.

"Is that so?" He gazed at the outside world, and then back at us. "Hmm. I see a bus. But no students or teachers. I assume that you separated from them."

"Our field trip is none of your business," Billy spat.

He snickered and held his briefcase in front of him. "Tell me. Why did you leave your friends and teachers behind?"

I was getting impatient with this man. So were the others. "We are close friends with LaVein and LaVon, and they asked us if we could go in their mansion and fetch something for them."

"Really? All six of you?"

"They asked Tim, and I wanted to come along because I like him," Sue lied.

Even with her lies, Sue will brag about her feelings towards me.

"And Jane wanted to tag along because I was going," she continued. "And Jenny desperately wanted to come because her sister was going."

I heard Jenny muttering something under her breath, but could not figure out what.

Billy and Jim had on fake - and creepy - smiles. "And we are here because of Tim!" they exclaimed at once. "Best friends have to stick together."

George's eyelids lowered halfway. "Enough with your excuses," he said sharply. "Do not think that I do not know what you all are up to."

"Are you delusional or something?" Jane remarked. "How can we be up to anything when we are on the ground? Get it? Up? And we are down?"

I thought that her joke was both good and hilarious. But apparently, the evil man did not think so. He growled through clenched teeth and grabbed Jane's shirt.

Jane shrieked. "Hey!"

He lifted her into the air, and she kicked her legs and thrashed her arms.

"Jane!" we yelled.

"Put her down!" I ordered. "She made an excellent joke! No need to be offended over it and to terrify her!"

What happened next just had to be there.

Imagine a peaceful monkey. Resting on a tree branch. Cuddling with its favorite banana. Now imagine an evil monkey stealing that banana, and that monkey who was once spending time with his banana going insane. Going bananas!

Well, that is what went down.

George was the evil monkey. Jane was the banana. And Jenny was the one literally going bananas!

I had to cover my mouth and try my hardest to not laugh as Jenny began screeching like a monkey that had just escaped from the monkey asylum.

She bent down and placed her hands that were fists on the ground. Her hair went wild.

"Ooh-ooh! Aah-aah!" Jenny screeched as she pounded her fists on the man's stomach. Though, it did not bother him. " sister...go!"

"The six of you are a joke," George called us. "And not just you. All fictional characters. You all deserve to perish. Starting with that writer of yours. She will die for believing in such nonsense!"

"Dude, you are a fictional character," I pointed out. "Plus, Ash is the person who thought of you."

"Pfft! That does not matter. The Lord created the real worlders, and most of them do not love Him."

"And those are the same people...who hate us!" Jane spoke the truth, struggling to break free.

He dropped her, and I held out my arms and caught her.

"Your writer despises real worlders. She always has!"

"That is not true!" Sue defended. "She hates what they do that are not good choices! But we know that she would never hurt them! She did not push that button, and we will prove it!"

He huffed. "I do not have time for this. I have a case to attend to." He pushed past us and ran.

"Let him go," I said. I set Jane down, and we walked inside the mansion. We were in a big room...

...and not alone.

There was a girl. But not just any girl.

"Can you guys help me?"

It was Cindy.

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