Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I cannot believe that son of a dang it betrayed us like that! The traitor!" Jenny yelled. "Actually, I take that back."

"The part where you claimed that she was a traitor?" I spoke up.

"Yup. She is no traitor. She is a sneaky, cunning, manipulating, mischievous girl who should be found out! Caleb does not deserve to be with a girl with those characteristics. He should leave her!"

"Jenny, I am sure that there is a perfect explanation as to why Cindy agreed to Ms. Hayley Taylor's terms," Sue stated, having nervousness in her voice.

"Yeah," Jane added. "We all have known Cindy for quite a while. It would be out of character for her if she were as evil as Ms. Taylor."

Jenny moved her body a lot as she talked, wanting to get free as soon as possible. "I am not comparing her to Hayley. I am just saying that she is evil."

Sue shifted her head to her. "She is not evil. She has good in her."

"Prove it."

"Um...I will have to get you back on that."

"Ha! That proves it."

"Proves what?" Jane jumped in on the conversation.

"That Cindy joined the dark side. Cindy is not who we thought that she was."

"You put me on the spot!" Sue kicked her legs. "Ugh! How I want to be free from this rope!"

"And you will be."

"Uh, Tim?" Jim said. "How will Sue, your girlfriend, be able to escape from the rope? You are trapped too."

"Let us get two things straight. First of all, Sue is not my girlfriend. Second of all, I am fully aware that I am trapped by some rope. We all are."

"But you just said that Sue will be free," Billy remarked.

"No, I did not."

Before anyone could speak of the matter, loud sounds were heard. And when I mean loud sounds, I mean loud, deafening noises. They were close to us and caused our ears to ache. Jenny tried to speak, to shout, over the noises, but they were much too loud.

We watched in amazement as the crates that contained bombs shattered. Exploded. Purple and black spikes shot out from the ground and broke through the crates.

Crack! Crack! Crack, crack, crack!

We shut our eyes and waited. Waited until there was nothing but silence once again.

"Guys. It is okay now. We are here to rescue you."

It was a soft, female voice, and we opened our eyes wide and saw her. No. Not just her. Three other girls and two boys. Two of them were twins, I realized.

One of the boys had his arms and hands out and soon lowered them to his sides, and as soon as he did that, the purple and black spikes grew smaller and disappeared in the floor. "That was awesome," he said. "I am getting better and better at using my powers every day."

"Who the heck are you six?" Jenny demanded.

"I know who they are," I answered before our heroes could introduce themselves. "I have seen their profiles. Ash has a profile on every Forlot character. These are the characters from the first six books who told our fans their stories. What they went through."

"Just like what you are doing now, Tim," Jane remarked.

I nodded. "This is Margie. She is also known as the Monster Protector. And that is Nigel. He is the hero who ended the evil shadows and saved the shadow people. Those are the twins. Hansel and Gretel. They had to deal with a monster called the Creature From Beyond. And the other two girls are Jorgie and Eleanor. Jorgie is the one with Tenomeya, and Eleanor had to deal with four ghosts and one crazy human who wanted to kill her."

"Dang," Billy said. "And we thought that we had it bad."

"We are here to rescue you," Margie explained. "We were with Libby when she got the call from some woman who threatened to kill you all. We could not sit back and not rescue you six."

I smiled a bit. "My gang and I thank you. We are forever in your debt."

The boy named Nigel placed a hand on the rope, and black and purple liquid appeared from his palm and melted the rope. The rope disintegrated, and my friends and I scrambled to our feet and shook hands with the heroes.

"You are welcome," Nigel said. "Now, do you happen to know who the woman who did this to you is? 'Cause we can take her down if you would like. Get you some justice."

"You guys? Taking down Ms. Hayley Taylor? Ha!" Jenny spat. "You could not defeat her even if you tried."

"Ms. Hayley Taylor?" Jorgie repeated the name. "That is the lady?"

"Yes," Jane responded. "She is one of the two most powerful villains in Forlot. The other is Ava."

"Hmm...I have heard of Ms. Hayley Taylor. My sister and I met her, and I sponsor for her. For cancer. She knows the cure for cancer."

Jenny brushed her ponytail back. "There is no stinkin' cure for cancer. She is a liar!"

Margie, Nigel, Hansel, and Gretel looked at one another, and then back at us.

"Ava?" Margie questioned. "Ava Campbell?"

I put my hands on my hips and nodded again. "The same. My gang and I know her through Ash. She is the most evil. The most cunning."

"We worked with her, and she tricked us!" Hansel exclaimed. "She shot Caleb and tried to kill us!"

"You guys, we should leave this place and head to the surveillance room," Billy stated. "This chapter is almost over."

I patted his shoulder. "Right you are, Billy."

All twelve of us ran out of the room and up the stairs. We reached the seventh floor and found the surveillance room.

And somebody was already in there.

"Oh. Hey," Caleb greeted. "I am looking for Cindy. Have you seen her?"

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