Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was years ago when it came into play. Two young boys had gone missing and were never found. Everybody, even their families, assumed that they were dead, and their assumptions were correct when it was spread around that their skeletons were located. Deep in Forgotten Forest.

But there was something that was never revealed. Until now.

The two boys, along with their class, were attending Camp Forgotten. Yep. Even then, Camp Forgotten was a thing.

The boys, let us name them Kid 1 and Kid 2, had been best friends for a long time. Prior to this incident, they both had lived in Forlot their entire lives and became friends three years ago. They were a great companionship.

You would think that they were behaved kids. Sadly, that was not the case.

When I said that they had a strong and fantastic companionship, I meant that they complimented each other greatly, not towards others. Their favorite activities included pranking their families, teachers, and fellow classmates, making mean jokes and comments, and scaring whoever they could to death. They did not take school seriously and despised just about everyone. Of course, except each other.

Even with all these evil characteristics, there was one special talent that both of them had, and that was having incredible memory.

It was not just the biggest or important occurrences that they could remember. They could recall even the littlest things. Down to the smallest details. This is why their parents did not ground them and push them to do better at school. Because of their memories, they always received good grades.

A week before attending Camp Forgotten, the boys had asked - practically begged - their parents to let them go to that camp. The parents, who were extremely proud of their grades, allowed them to go as a reward. As you may have guessed, the boys were excited, for they had big plans.

Like setting up the biggest prank in their lifetime.

Unfortunately for them, Camp Forgotten was not that exciting. Well, it was exciting for their classmates. But not to them. That was because the teacher notified the counselors days earlier that they were troublemakers. As soon as the two boys got off the bus, all the counselors went through their belongings and took away anything that could have been used for a prank and not related to camp.

It was probably no surprise to you readers that the boys were upset. They stayed in the boys' cabin for what felt like forever and just chatted away. An hour later, one of the counselors came in and asked them if they would like to take a hike through Forgotten Forest. They denied his request, and the counselor informed them that he would be staying at the campsite and added that he was going to be in the counselors' cabin if either of them needed anything. Then he left.

Both of the young boys were lying on their beds, their legs dangling.

"This is boring!" Kid 1 protested. "Whoever said that camp was thrilling clearly has not been on one."

"Agreed," Kid 2 said. "It would be so much better if they had not confiscated our stuff. Do they not realize that we are the life of the party? We would have made this experience more interesting."

Kid 1 sat up, shifted his body, and leaped off his bed. "Come on. We need to do something that is worth our wild."

Kid 2 did the same and wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Like sneak into the forest?"

Kid 1 looked at him. "Go into Forgotten Forest?"

"Yeah. Our classmates are hiking in there, so we can surely go in."

"But...the counselors said to not go in there without adult supervision."

He smirked and ruffled his hair. "Where is the fun in that? Do not tell me that you are scared. If I am not scared, then you should not be either."

He chuckled softly. "You know what? You are right. There is no reason to be so scared. It is just some dumb forest. It will not backfire on us."

The boys exited the cabin and closed the door behind them, careful to not make any noises that the counselor would be able to hear. They took one look at the counselors' cabin, checking to see if the counselor noticed them, and dashed into the forest.

They ran and ran and ran. Until they were deep within Forgotten Forest. Kid 2 ordered Kid 1 to stop, and they surveyed their surroundings, taking it all in.

"This is awesome," Kid 2 remarked. "We are in here all by ourselves. Just the two of us. No adults."

"I know," Kid 1 replied. "So what do you want to do?"

He shrugged. "I do not know. Wanna climb the trees to see the sights?"


So they did, and they did for quite a while.

Just enough time for their memories to start fading.

However, that never happened. And do you know why? Do you want to know why?

Remember when I said that they had great memory? It was so great that the curse that was upon Forgotten Forest was no match. This was not the first time that this occurred. Anyone who had fantastic memory recall and went in the forest would be paid a visit by the wizard.

When both of the boys had climbed down from a tree, a figure appeared in front of them.

It was the wizard.

"Hello, children," the wizard hissed.

"Who are you?" Kid 2 asked.

"I am Sinosum. I am a powerful wizard. Anyway, what are you doing in my forest?"

"Your forest?" Kid 1 questioned. "I thought that Forgotten Forest belongs to the camp."

"No. It is mine, and you are trespassing. I ought to kill you."

Kid 1 gulped. "K-kill us?"

" are willing to help me. Tell me. What are your names?"

"David," Kid 2 said.

"Garcia," Kid 1 said.

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