Chapter Twenty-Six

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My gang and I were shocked when Cindy had given in to the evil woman.

"Mmm?" Ms. Taylor puckered her lips as she were planning on kissing me or Jim or Billy. "What was that, Cindy? What did you say?"

"I said that you win. Happy?"

"Not yet." She put her hands behind her and walked around us. "How do I know that this is no trick? How do I know that you are not lying to me?"

"You want me to prove it?"

"Why, yes. If you do not mind."

Cindy kept her eyes locked on her and cleared her throat. "Then let me say this. You are aware that Ash is on trial. Correct?"

"Very. Stupid writer. She swore that she would never activate that button and doom the real worlders. But I knew that she could not keep her word. I knew!"

"You hate Ash from the bottom of your sickening, cruel heart, and whether she is guilty of ridding the world of real worlders or not, you would be more than delighted in finding her guilty and sending her to jail for the rest of the time that she has to live."

Hayley came to a halt and shifted a bit, the bottom of her heels making scraping sounds against the cold, hard ground. "Thanks to the leaders of Forlot, she will more than likely be cleared of the charge. They love her too much and trust her words! Not the circumstances and evidence!"

"But how can any of them search through any of the circumstances if no evidence exists? No evidence that makes it crystal clear that Ash is responsible?"

"You brat. Why else would I be in this mansion in the first place? I am trying to locate some evidence."

Cindy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I will help you find sufficient evidence that will surely put Ash in the slammer forever. I only ask for you to do two things in return."

"I suppose that one of those favors is giving your boyfriend the antidote." She held up the bottle of liquid once again and waved it back and forth. "What is the other?"

"Let me and my friends go."

She giggled. Even her giggles sounded wicked. "Nope. I cannot do that. Not sorry."

"But in order to allow me to help you, you have to—"

The evil lady interrupted. "I have no problem in freeing you. Heck, I do not mind in assisting to free your boyfriend from his coma. What I have a problem is..." She gave me and who was part of my gang a glare that could kill instantly. " letting them go free. Tim and his gang."

"Tim and the Gang" was the original title for our own book series before our writer scratched that.

"Why? Are you afraid that they will tell?"

"I mean, you are a dummy for telling your plan to us," Jim piped up.

"They are much too loyal to the writer and will not keep what I am plotting a secret," Ms. Hayley Taylor said, ignoring Jim's statement. "More than likely, one or all of them will spill out everything that I have worked so hard on."

"You are a villain!" Jenny yelled. "Villains always pay the price sooner or later."

Ms. Taylor a hyena.

Not sorry! I had to add that.

"Not this villain! 'Cause all the real worlders are standing by me. By my side. And I love each and every one of them."

Jenny hissed like a snake, for she might be part-snake. "You and those darn real worlders hate the truth and fictional characters!"

"I. Do. Not. Care." She looked back at Cindy. "How do I know that you will not go against your word? You are loyal to Ash as well."

"That may be true, however, I am more loyal to Caleb than to my writer. Who cares if I betray her?"

The serious look on Cindy's face convinced Hayley enough, and the young woman bent down, loosened the part of the rope that was touching Cindy and near her, and helped her out.

"There. You are free. Now, you will help me."

"What about my friends? You cannot just leave them here."

"I can and will. They will be fine...for only five minutes."

"Five minutes?" I repeated. "What do you mean by that?"

She motioned to the crates. "You noticed the crates that are all against the wall, right?"

"Yes." I glanced at a crate, and then back at her. "What about them?"

She smirked. "These crates are the bomb. These crates are to die for."

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