Chapter 1: New Semester, Different You

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A/N: Well, here's the beginning of the next book in my Godzilla series. I hope you guys enjoyed the last one and I hope you enjoy this one too. Thanks for reading, bye.

(T/N)-Team Name

Beacon Academy, the prestigious school that is famous world-wide for graduating ome of the most famous huntsmen and huntresses to walk the face of Remnant. It's been a full semester since classes began and a lot of things have changed since the beginning of the school year. Students from across the kingdoms have come to stay at Beacon while attending this year's Vytal Festival, friends have grown stronger and closer with one another, and a certain few teams have experienced things that no regular huntsmen-in-training would usually experience. Team RWBY, JNPR, and (T/N). These three teams have encountered a number of crazy situations that would make any regular team at Beacon panic, but persevered and got through these sticky messes with the help of each other. Right now classes were on break and it was lunch time as students flooded the food court as three members of (T/N) were coming out of the lunch line with trays of food in their hands.

"Hey, are you sure he's coming?" A blonde girl with golden wings asked.

This is Annie, a female dragon faunus who has blonde hair, icy blue eyes and average colored skin. Her wings were a pure gold color as she had them closed and wore her school uniform for the beginning of the new semester.

"He said he would catch up with us after he was finished doing something. I'm sure he'll come." Another girl said.

This girl Julia, a pteranodon faunus who has a dark red shaded hair color, crimson eyes and wings that were currently closed under her arms. She too was wearing the Beacon uniform as she carried two trays of food with her.

"I hope he does come, he hasn't eaten with us since that night..All he's been doing was training." The third girl of their group said with a sad tone as her antenna hung low.

This little fluff ball is Sarah, a moth faunus who has colorful wings that are always spread open and antenna on the top of her forehead. She had ocean blue eyes and brunette hair while she wore a Beacon uniform as well, but hers hugged her body and showed her figure off well.

"Did we really have to wear these things? They gave me the wrong size at the beginning of the year and still haven't sent me my new one..." She said with a blush on her face as she felt the hungry stares of many males in the food court on her.

"Fufufu~ That looks so cute on you, Sarah-chan." Annie said with a giggle and smug look as Sarah rushed away in embarrassment.

"Yeah...Lucky her..." Julia said with a dead look on her face as she stared down at the cutting board she called her body.

"Hey!" The three of them heard as they looked over to a table and saw team RWBY and JNPR sitting at a table together. "Come sit here!" They heard Yang wave at them as they smiled and walked over happily.

"Yoooo." Annie said as she too a seat next to Yang and Julia and Sarah sat next to team JNPR.

"Ohh my gosh, Sarah! You look so adorable in your uniform! I just wanna gobble you up!" Nora said with glee as she began to pet and pat Sarah as she was flustered and embarrassed.

"Th-Thank you..." She said while closing her eyes as Julia looked around the table and noticed someone missing.

"Hey, where's Ruby?" She asked.

"I don't know, she said she was gonna go grab something really quick." Yang said before being interrupted by a massive binder being dropped in front of her on the table and looking to see it was Ruby who did it.

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