Chapter 15: The Resolve To Protect

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"Yeah...No matter where you are...Or what you've done...I'll always come to save you..." She heard as tears began to drip from her eyes as she and everyone else stared at the person speaking in shock and awe. "That's why I will...I will...!" The voice said as you stepped out of a dust cloud in your normal state as the wound in your chest completely closed up and your eyes shined blue. "...I will defeat you...!" You declared with fury as your spines shined with a brightly.

"Y/N!" Everyone yelled your name in shock as you slowly stepped forward and walked ahead.

As you stepped forward you saw the grimm warrior was checking on Diana, who was ultimately knocked out from your surprise attack. It moved its head to your direction and snarled at you as you glared back and blue sparks shined in your eyes. You and the beast stared each other down for a few moments while everyone was sat still, unsure what would happen. After a slight breeze died down, both your eyes and the eyes of the creature shined brightly as the two of you charged towards one another, creating small dips in the ground with each step.

"HYAAAAA!!!!" You yelled as you and the beast met halfway and grabbed each other's hands, clenching tightly as the ground below caved in a bit.


"Ngh...! I won't lose...!" You grunted as your veins were popping out and your muscles bulged to the point they looked as if they would explode, and the creature suddenly began to get pushed back, but barely.

Meanwhile, two hooded figures, one being the same watcher from before, were sat on top of the building behind your allies as they stared down at you in interest.

"Should we aid him?" A male voice asked.

"No, this is his battle. No one can interfere with it." The girl who watched you from before said as her tail slithered around behind her, signaling she was anxious. "I don't even think anyone can interfere with Master's battle right now...amazing..." She thought as she watched you grunt and force your way forward.

"Something's wrong..." Anna said as Ruby turned towards her.

"What is it?" She asked her as Anna looked confused.

"I don't get it...He was supposed to have no energy left and start sapping away from my power or any of the other Godzilla's, but..." Anna trailed as she stared at you with amazement. "I don't feel our power, or any power connected to him." She said as everyone looked at you.

"Then you mean Y/N's fighting with his own power...?" Ruby said as you forced the creature onto its knees now as blue sparks surged around the two of you.

"Yeah! Show em what you've got Y/N! Beat the crap outta them!" Yang yelled as Summer was surprised.

"Get 'em Y/N! Win! Break that thing's legs!" Nora yelled as more voices spoke out.

"That's it kid! You got this!" Someone yelled.

"Push it all the way back! You can do it!" Another yelled.

"You can do it!" Summer then turned to see little Carol standing a few meters away on top of some debris. "I believe in you!" She yelled as her dad pulled her away in worry.

As she turned back towards you, the grimm began to stand up once more as you struggled to push it back. Red and yellow sparks surged all over its body as it spread over yours and you winced in pain. Fighting through it however, you opened one eye up and growled as the crater under you and the creature grew deeper and rocks lifted in the air from the power surging around you two.

Burning Rage Within: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now