Chapter 13: The Breach, Unspeakable Power

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Darkness, that was all that was in your vision as you felt nothing at all. No sounds could be heard, nothing could be seen, none of your senses were being stimulated at all. It was like you were in a space where nothing existed...A void...

"Where am I...?" You thought as you tried to remember what happened. "Ah...that's right...I lost..." You thought as you remembered the memory of Diana knocking you out with her attack and passing out while looking up at Sarah. "Dammit...Why did things end up like this...Why did I end up like this...?" You thought in despair.

Just then however, you heard the sound of a drop of water splash as you turned around and saw a male standing a few feet away from you, naked, with features resembling a Godzilla faunus like you as they spoke.

"They did this to you, that's why." You heard as he spoke again. "Humans made you this." You heard him say as you began to slowly walk towards him.

"Who are you?" You asked as he didn't reply, but instead said another thing.

"Humans are the reason we all almost died. Humans were the cause for our pain and suffering." He spoke once more as you stopped when you noticed something changed again.

Looking around you, there were more people who suddenly around you, all naked and facing away from you, in a circle with you in the center. A few men, a few women, and a few of the women held the hands of children as you turned back towards the person you were heading for.

"Not all humans are bad, we can live together. We just have to get them to understand that we're not their enemy." You tried to reason with him.

"Humans will never understand what we are...What we have become. They fear what they don't understand and seek to destroy it. When they see who we are, they will try and kill us again. Do not be fooled by their lies." He said as you closed your eyes.

"Humans are fools, they fear what they don't understand, I can agree to that. But doesn't that go for us as well? We feared the humans as well because we didn't understand them, their feelings towards us, we didn't understand it and we held fear in our hearts because of it. But I've seen chance, I've seen hope that we can coexist...But we must be willing to open our hearts to them." You said.

"...I'm sorry for what you are about to experience after your battle, I feel sorry for the female human with silver eyes..." He said in saddened tone as you noticed all of the people begin to walk farther into the void, away from you as you and the man you spoke with were the last. "I hope you do not do something you will live to regret..." He said before walking towards the darkness.

"Wait!" You yelled as you tried to run after him, but he suddenly vanished into smoke and you were alone once more. "Hey...Hey!" You yelled out as you spun around trying to look for them, but to no avail. "Come back! Come back!" You yelled.

"I'm sorry for what's to come, my lord...protect her if you can...Do not worry, we're on our way..." Was all you heard as everything began to fade into a bright white light that blinded you.

"Wait! Silver eyes?! Summer and Ruby? Which one? Which of them are you talking about! Tell me!" You yelled as the light grew brighter and brighter.

With Sarah

"Y/N!" She yelled as she held you in her arms while debris was laid everywhere, and the train which had been derailed was pointed upwards to the sky as they sat in the center of downtown Vale. "Y/N! Y/N!" She yelled before your eyes suddenly shot open and you gasped for air. "Y/N! Oh god! Calm down! Calm down!" She repeated as you continuously coughed and she hugged you. "I'm so glad you're okay...!" She said in tears as your breathing finally came down and you turned your head to her.

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