Chapter 18: A King & His People, The Aftermath of Godzilla

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry its been a while, I've been busy with online classes and other stuff that it took a lot of time away from writing. This is a shorter chapter but I will get back to the usual length in future updates. I hope everyone is doing fine and is safe, stay inside and stay healthy. I hope you enjoy.

"Huh...? Where am I...?" You thought as you couldn't see anything or hear anything. "W-What happened..?" You thought as your tried to move your body, but it felt like you were sluggish and slow. "M-My body's cold...I can't breath right...Dammit...! I'm not fully awake! Wake up body! Wake up!" You repeated in your mind as you tried continuously to move and your eyes slowly opened and adjusted your vision.

As your vision returned and adjusted to the darkness of the area, you found out in shock that you were currently underwater and your hands and legs were bound. Looking around you tried to see what was moving you, and when you turned your head back you saw a man who had the same physical traits almost like yours. Spines and a tail with some scales showing on the surface of his skin.

"He's...A godzilla faunus!?" You thought in shock as air bubbles escaped your mouth.

Just then, your kidnapper moved his eyes to see that you were awake before turning back to continue in the direction he was heading in. Trying to assess the situation you were in, you looked around to see if he had allies and across from you was another male faunus with spines on his back, but no visible tail. Next to him was a female faunus who had spines and a tail, but hers were more pointed and the end of her tail was more pointed than your rounded tail end. What shocked you the most was the fact that she was holding Sarah, who was unconscious, in her arms while holding an oxygen mask to her face. As you were about to retaliate against what was happening, you felt a strong force suddenly pull on your body as the speed you were all moving in had increased rapidly. Gritting your teeth you saw yourselves moving at high speeds through what seemed like a huge vent under the water as your kidnappers all seemed unphased by the pressure and speed. Looking ahead you saw a bright light at the end of the dark tunnel you were going down as you had to shut your eyes from its brightness. At the end of the water vent, you and those around you burst out from the water and you yelled as you looked down to see yourself falling rapidly towards a pool under the water source you had ejected from.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" Your cry echoed as there was a huge splash that rose as high as a geyser.

A few moments later you were thrown out of the pool and landed on a smooth stoned surface as you coughed repeatedly and groaned as you raised your head to see where you were. As you lifted your head you found yourself not staring at a waterfall, but a magma fall as there were countless numbers of them ranging from different sizes and providing light to the area. Looking up there was a ceiling above you, but it seemed like it was as high as the sky back on the surface. You heard a few more splashes come from where you were and saw the kidnappers come out from the water as the one that was holding you came forward and spoke.

"Sorry for being so informal, but we had to retreat immediately." He said as you groaned and turned to lie on your back once more.

"M-My body...feels like its being crushed..." You said as you felt a heavy amount of pressure in your body.

"You are in an environment that  you've never experienced before, with time you will get used to the pressure and become even stronger." He said as you turned towards him.

"And where is here...?" You asked as he walked over and lifted you to your feet.

"Our new home." He said as you were stunned by the sight in front of you.

Looking out to the distance you saw an unbelievably ancient city that was structurally still intact and lit up by the magma falls and their natural light. The entire city was made of stone it seemed as you and everyone began to head down a set of stairs and enter the city.

Burning Rage Within: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now