Chapter 7: Summer's Mission, A New Threat Converges

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The Next Morning, With Summer

After her meeting with Commander Erwin and his trusted subordinates, Summer had left them to rest after the learning the eventful news of the Godzilla's surrounding the entire continent of Vale. After returning home and resting the rest of the day yesterday, Summer awoke once more as she looked out the window and saw it was a bit cloudy outside. She heard a loud snore come from her left as she looked over and saw Tai still fully asleep with a snot bubble inflating and deflating from his nose as she laughed a bit before carefully getting out of bed without disturbing him. As she went downstairs wearing a white robe she heard clattering footsteps running towards her as Zwei came rushing over at her feet.

"Hey, boy. Thank you for greeting me this morning." She patted his head as he panted in excitement before running over to the couch to lay down.

Summer walked over to the kitchen and got some coffee brewing as she opened her laptop that was left on the kitchen table and input her password before opening up files of notes and web browsers of news articles. As she searched through article after article, she did find a few things about fires recently starting up and destroying villages that seemed to be caused by unnatural causes. As she was about to read more however, there was a knock at the door as Summer heard Zwei begin to bark loudly.

"What time is it?"  Summer wondered before looking at the time on her laptop to see it was still early, about six forty-one in the morning. "We don't have any deliveries from the farms or anything coming in..." She got up and went towards the door.

As she walked over and pulled Zwei away as he sat behind her and panted like the corgi he is, Summer opened the door and to her surprise she found Captain Levi and Major Hanji standing outside her door.

"Pardon out intrusion, Mrs.Rose." Hanji bowed her head to her as Summer waved her hands around.

"N-No! It's fine! Please come inside, I have coffee brewing." Summer said as she allowed them inside her home.

As they entered the kitchen and Summer went to sit down, she was shocked from the news they had told her.

"What this? You say that the villages who are victim to these fires, they all say the same thing...?" She asked as Hanji nodded while sitting across from her.

"Yeah, they all say that some female faunus came through their village and destroyed it. Survivors described her faunus features to resemble the features your adopted son, Y/N, has. Dorsal plates on her back, a long scaly tail, and sharp claws. What else they described however was that she was glowing across her body, red hot as the area around her was heated to a temperature that would make anyone pass out from heat exhaustion and exposure." Hanji explained.

"Another just like Y/N...someone who awoke from their titanic state and reverted back to their original form while retaining the Godzilla features it was combined with in a more heightened state. It's incredible..." Summer said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Erwin sent us here to get you so we that we could check out the destroyed villages before going and seeing if we can intercept this female Godzilla-faunus. Our goal is to capture her using these." Levi said as he flicked something towards her and Summer caught it.

When she opened her hand she looked down to see a blue bullet with a light blue end for the tip as she stared up at him with a confused look.

"That's a 7.62 Cadmium round we designed based on the hypothesis of Godzilla having offspring. With this chemical round, we can blast the creature and absorb its radiation while the chemical also freezes the creature as well." Levi said as Hanji chimed in.

"These cadmium shells were developed off of Godzilla's first sighting at Lagos Island. The water was so irradiated with pure radiation that we had to get rid of the radiation in the water before traveling closer to where the island once was, we used cadmium to absorb the radiation in the water, and found that the water's temperature level would drop drastically." Hanji said.

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