Chapter 11: Bonding Night, Trouble Stirs Below

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The Next Day, With You, Play

It was mid-morning for Vale and after spending the entire night next to Anna as she rested, Summer and the rest of your team had all arranged everything that you were going to need for the mission as there was a bullhead awaiting take off for your mission. You were sat next to Anna once more as she slept soundly and as you held her hand while staring at her peaceful face, a hand was placed on your shoulder as you turned around to see Annie standing behind you.

"C'mon, everything's ready we're just waiting on you. We better leave now if we wanna reach the village near our destination by evening." She said as you just nodded and patted her hand as she walked away.

She stood at the door for a moment and stared at you before glancing at Anna before she lowered her head and left as you stood up and leaned over Anna's bed. You leaned closer to her face before you planted your lips gently onto her forehead for about three seconds before you pulled away and moved the stray hairs that fell in her face.

"I'll come back soon. Wait for me, okay?" You said as she remained silent and you just smiled sadly.

You turned around and gave one last look at your unconscious, long lost friend, before you sighed and turned to leave. Just as you turned away however, there was a strange noise that was brief, but you heard it as you shot your head back to see if she was awake. Unfortunately though she was not and you sighed once more before leaving, turning the lights off before closing the door. After making your way out and onto the launch deck, you turned towards the blaring sound of engines as you saw your team waiting on board for you as they took notice and waved for you to come over. Not wanting to keep them waiting, you ran over before hopping on board and strapping yourself in as Summer walked over with Erwin and Levi behind her. She turned around to them as Erwin spoke.

"We're counting on your success. Whatever they're hiding in the Southeast, we must figure it out before it's too late and catastrophe strikes. Can you do it?" Erwin asked.

"Yes..." Summer said as she bawled her fists tightly. "I'll make them pay for what they did to Anna...I swear..." Summer said as she gripped the hilt of her blade.

"Don't lose sight of the mission due to your emotions. Get it done." Levi said to her as she nodded.

"I understand. Thank you." Summer said before she stepped on board and took her seat next to you.

After giving the signal to take off, the bullhead's engines roared to life as it lifted off the deck and began to turn towards it's course.

"We travel Southeast, to a village past the ruins of Mountain Glenn. Take off!" Summer spoke into a headset on board.

"Roger, take off." The pilot responded as the bullhead took off and Erwin watched you and your team fly off.

"We're counting on you...Godzilla..." He thought before there was a ruckus sounding off behind him.

"Let me go! I have to find him!" Erwin turned in confusion before going into shock of what he was seeing.

When he turned around he was met with the unbelievable sight of Anna who still wore a infirmary robe as soldiers and nurses were trying to stop her, but she was overpowering them.

"Y/N!? Y/N!? WHERE ARE YOU!? Y/N!?!?!?!?" She cried for you as tears fell from her eyes.

"Wasn't she out cold!?" A soldier yelled while trying to hold down her tail.

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