Chapter 12: Anna's Story, A Shocking Turn In The Battle

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With Anna

"Anna...Are you our enemy?" Erwin asked Anna.

"...No, I'm not your enemy..." Anna gripped the blanket that covered her as she looked up to his eyes. "I know I've done terrible things...I've hurt so many...but, there was no other way. If I didn't do it, she said I would be killed." Anna gripped the sheets tighter.

"Who said that?" Erwin asked her.

"I don't know...She only spoke to me through my head. Every time she came to me, I would feel my head go into a downward spiral, I lose control of balance and I feel sick to my stomach. If I would've known what her goal was, I would have preferred to drown in the ocean long ago..." She said.

"Please, explain." Erwin asked her to as she paused for a moment before continuing.

"About maybe twelve years ago, when I was still only a little girl without any common sense, and scared out of my mind from what I had become, I rose from the ocean in my other...form...because I didn't know what to do, and I was tired of being in the darkness of the ocean. I tried to talk, but all that came out were those scary roars, and without realizing the trouble I was making for myself, there was an Atlas fleet at sea just a few miles behind me. I didn't notice them until they began to bomb me with their weapons...and they weren't normal cannons or missiles..." She explained while holding her arms, remembering the pain she felt.

"What kind of weapons were they?" The Commander waned to know.

"I don't know...they were like...I don't know, they were weird looking turret heads that shot out blue lightning. It didn't pierce my skin, but it still hurt. It burned..." Anna shook her head to forget the feeling of pain.

"The experimental maser guns..." The two of them heard as Anna looked to the door to see Hanji, who she had not met yet. "Another one of Dr.Connor's experimental weapons before he was recruited to create the H-Bomb." She said as she entered the room and sat in a chair behind Erwin.

"Who is she?" Anna asked.

"She's a scientist. You can trust her." Erwin reassured her as Anna just nodded and continued on.

"After I destroyed the fleet that was chasing me...and I tried to just stop them, but their ships just kept exploding...I began to move again. I didn't have any problems with my body, but then, something fell from the sky..." She said as Hanji was perplexed.

"What was it that fell from the sky?" Hanji asked.

"Another bomb...but this one was didn't just almost kill killed everything." Anna said.

"Everything? In the water?" Erwin said as Hanji had a shocked look on her face.

"Yeah...when I went underwater too...I couldn't breath, I felt like I was drowning..." Anna said as Hanji slowly stood up and backed away towards the door. "I saw all the fish...the sharks...the whales...everything was disintegrating...there was no oxygen in the water and everything was liquifying. Even me..." Anna said as Erwin took notice of Hanji and turned around.

"Hanji?" He called to her but she just turned around and ran.

Hanji ran down the hall way and dodged people who were in her way before she made it out to the launch deck and collapsed to her knees. She coughed and breathed heavily as a pair of shoes stopped in front of her.

"It was my fault...It was my fault..." She muttered with a mortified look on her face.

"What are you talking about, Dr.Hanji?" A voice came from nearby as her eyes nearly shot out of her head and she looked left when she recognized the voice.

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