Chapter 4: The Butterfly Who Wants To Save The Beast, Welcome Back Old Friend

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A/N: Hey! It's me! I'm not dead! Surprisingly...But anyways, sorry I've neglected this story and a whole bunch more if you're a regular reader of mine. I've been spending sometime to myself and just rejuvenating my writing thoughts and process and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. Thank you for being so patient, it means a lot to me. Now, onto the story.

The Same Night

After the fighting had ended and everyone was gathered around, Levi pulled you onto your feet before twisting your arm behind your back.

"Agh!" You groaned as Yang got mad from what she saw.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yang asked as she loaded another shell into her gauntlet.

"Don't come closer unless you wanna end up with your face in the ground." Levi said as he cuffed you and electricity flowed through the cuffs. "If you try to break free a surge of electricity will flow from the gaunlets to your body. Don't make a fuss." He said as he pulled out a scroll and pressed a button on it before putting it away. "You kids should hurry home, not safe for you to roam around at night." Levi said.

"We're not as weak as you think." Julia said as she cracked her knuckles.

"That's the problem with brats nowadays, no common sense." Levi groaned as the sound of a bullhead could be heard.

Everyone covered their faces from the dust that was kicking up as they watched an Atlas bullhead hover over everyone before landing as the rear doors opened and walked out Atlesian knights and Erwin smith. As the Atlesian knights secured the area, Erwin walked towards you and Levi as you were turned towards him and he stopped right in front of you.

"You followed me?" You asked him.

"That's right. We were able to round up a majority of the White Fang there, but a few managed to slip through our hands, nothing too big though. It seems on your hand though, the enemy managed to escape." Erwin said as you glared at him. "Y/N, there is something that we must discuss about in private. It'd be in your best interest to come with us." He said as you scoffed.

"Hmph, yeah right. I'm not going to spend the night in an Atlas jail cell. Let me go, you have no right to place me under arrest." You denied his offer.

"Hey, brat. Don't make this harder than it needs to--." Levi spoke but was cut off when Erwin raised his hand.

"No, he's right. Let him go." Erwin said.

"What?" Levi said as Erwin looked at him.

"That's an order. Obey it." Erwin said as Levi released the cuffs and you walked back towards your team and friends.

"Roger, Erwin, I'll trust your judgement." Levi said as he joined his side and the two of them walked back onto their bullhead as the Atlesian knights boarded as well.

"Until next time, Y/N." Erwin said as the doors closed the bullhead's engine roared to life as you watched them take off.

"That short guy's a jerk." Julia scoffed.

"Let's get going, its already late." Annie said as everyone began to walk away from the battle zone, but Sarah stopped when she saw you still standing in front of the spot where Anna was stood.


"Y/N?" She called to you as she came over and saw you staring at the ground. "What's wrong?" She asked as you clenched your fist and stared at the ground.

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