Chapter 2: Her Name Was Anna, The Investigation Begins

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Same Day, The Afternoon

After telling you that you needed to talk with her, Annie spent the rest of the day in the dorm while the others had their fun for the rest of the day. She waited sitting in her bed while hugging a little three headed dragon plushy to her chest until the door to the restroom opened. When she looked up she saw you walk out in a fresh new set of clothes and wet hair that covered your face.

"Well you smell nice now." She smiled as you walked over to your bed.

When you walked over to the bed you saw a tuna sandwich wrapped in plastic and a bag of chips with a sports drink. 

"Who left this?" You asked as Annie turned towards you and crossed her legs.

"Sarah got you the sandwich and chips, Julia got you the drink." Annie said as you looked at her.

"You didn't bother to get me anything?" You laughed as she smiled.

"No, I wanted to make sure you ate and not just stuffed it under your bed until you throw it out thinking that I didn't notice." She gave you a smug look as you were surprised. "Why haven't you been eating properly? What's with all this training and preparing you're doing? C'mon, tell me." She said while patting the bed next to her so you could sit across from her.

You sighed as you took the food with you and placed them on the small night stand in between the beds. You unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite as you took a sip from your drink and swallowed.

"That's good..." You said while staring at the sandwich.

"Greta, the lunch lady, makes them at home before she comes here. They say she sells out of them before the 51st person can make it to the food choices." Annie said as you smiled.

"I have to thank Sarah later." You said as you continued to eat the sandwich.

"So, tell me..." Annie said as you looked at her. "Who is that girl to you? Why didn't you crush her or try to burn her? What happened?" She asked as you put down the sandwich and interlaced your fingers together while staring at the floor.

Play Song At Top

"I..." You started as you sighed and decided to come through with the truth. "I know...that girl...Annabelle, I called her Anna before. She was my best friend back on Lagos, but I guess since the bomb dropped my memories have been fuzzy here and there...I didn't know it was her until she made that connection with me that night when she used her radiation to sort...interface with my own." You said to Annie.

"What do you mean interface with your own? Like she communicated with you in a weird, radiation required, telepathic way?" Annie asked.

"Heh, I guess in a way, yeah." You said. "Back when we were kids, we never got to leave our island, but we grew learning that the world was vast and that there were these places that were amazing. I was amazed by the concept of visiting these places, but Anna was captivated and dreamed of it every night. She'd always talk with me and our friends about how we were going to leave one day and explore the world together. No matter what we talked about she would always bring us back to that topic of the outside world." You said as Annie smiled.

"That sounds nice." Annie said as you smiled.

"Yeah, it was..." You said as you slid down and sat on the floor against the bed as Annie came down to join you. "A few of our friends had given up on the idea leaving when they first heard of it, some of them gave up slowly and lost faith in the plan...The only ones still clinging onto the hope of leaving were me and Anna...I guess that's why everyone slowly started to stop being around us...They got tired of hearing a false hope..." You said as clenched your fist a bit. "I knew it was a crazy idea at the time as well, and that it most probably wouldn't happen but...Anna still gave me hope...She came up with such crazy plans that it'd drive a person insane you know?" You laughed as Annie stared at you with worry. "But she...She was the most incredible person I had met in my life and...I guess I was afraid of what would happen if I had left her alone..." You said.

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