Chapter 10: The Mission Begins, Revenge For A Beloved Friend

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The Same Night, With Summer

After their encounter with the strange beast and narrowly escaping certain death from a newly discovered species of grimm, Levi squad and Summer returned back with Erwin and their one extra passenger, Anna who was still unconscious from the attack. As their bullhead pulled landed onto the landing deck of their large airship, a team of medics ran towards the bullhead as the doors opened and Erwin stepped out.

"Take her to the infirmary immediately. Have all medical personnel equip radiation protective gear before tending to her wounds." Erwin ordered the medics.

"Yes, sir!" They replied as they loaded Anna on the stretcher and another officer walked up to Erwin.

"Sir, the radiation cleansing team is on standby. Everyone must follow cleansing procedures, even you sir." His officer said.

"Alright." Erwin said as he turned towards what was left of Levi squad. "We'll meet near the infirmary in 40 minutes. We will discuss what to do then." Erwin said as he left.

"Yer, sir." Hanji, Moblit, and Levi all said in unison as Summer just remained silent.

As they headed inside the men and women were split up by gender, Hanji and Summer were both thoroughly cleansed and tested by the female officers aboard the ship while the men were being treated the same, except with male officers doing the work. After getting the green light for being radiation-free, Summer and Hanji walked over to the infirmary wearing blue baggy sweats and grey sweaters with slippers on as they saw the men were already waiting near the room where Anna was currently resting, and they sported the same attire.

"How is she?" Summer asked in worry as she looked pass the glass that allowed you to see inside the room.

"After testing her vitals and treating the burns on her back, they said she would recover but the scars would remain. She's not going to be going anywhere anytime soon however." Erwin said as he turned towards Summer and looked down at her. "What is your relationship to this girl?" He asked her.

"...I met her before when I was on a mission back on Lagos Island. I met her and Y/N before the bomb fell and destroyed their home..." Summer said as she placed her hand on the glass. "I knew she was alive all this time...but I never though she would have reverted back to her original form." Summer said in amazement.

"Hey, if you aren't aware, she's still the enemy. We have footage of her attacking the docks back a few months ago. Y/N was there too." Levi chimed in.

"What? Y/N and Anna had reunited before us finding her?" Summer said in shock.

"Yes, but it wasn't the reunion Y/N was expecting it to be." Hanji said.

After sending Moblit to fetch Hanji's laptop from her lab, Summer was in shock of being shown the footage of the night at the docks, being shown how you and Anna had fought each other, and how you transformed back into Godzilla.

"Blowing a hole through his chest surely should have killed him on the spot, yet something inside of him kept him alive and forced him to transform to his monster form. After interacting with Anna however, he was stopped before he could destroy anything else that night and transformed back before losing consciousness." Erwin retold the footage as Summer couldn't believe it.

"Y/N..." She said in despair as she could only think of the feelings you were experiencing that night.

"There's one thing we must do however." Erwin said as everyone turned towards him. "We must find out the truth of these Godzilla's, and learn how we can deal with them without destroying them. We must act quickly, before Doctor Connor's can arrive and learn of the existence of these two. If he finds them out and what they are, there's no telling how far he will push the bar to reveal their secret to the world." Erwin said.

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