Chapter 8: A Narrow Escape, The Night She's Been Waiting For

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"Don't touch her..." Anna growled as her glowing spots shined brighter along with her fiery eyes.

"Anna..." Summer muttered in surprise.

Anna stood in front of Summer in a protective stance as the monster stood up straight and exhaled as it seemed to glare at her. Anna straightened up her stance before walking forward as she and the beast circled each other as they stood still in the center of the village.

"Summer, take everyone and get them as far away from here as you can. I'll hold it off for as long as I can." Anna commanded her.

"Let us help you! Come with us!" Summer begged.

"I can't!" Anna yelled before turning around in surprise.

Waiting not a moment longer, the creature charged towards Anna with great speeds and jumped into the air before spinning around and sending its tail towards her. Raising her arms just in time she blocked the attack but the force behind it was enough to send her sliding back almost 10 feet. As Anna looked up however the beast was already in front of her face and spinning again as it kicked her across the face and sent her to the ground. She grunted as she rolled across the floor and winced in pain. Her right cheek was red as her lip was cut at the side and she looked up at the monster that was glaring at her. Anna, being stubborn as she is, pushed herself back up to her feet as she yelled while charging forward towards the creature.

"Anna, wait!" Summer begged.

She did not listen as she lunged forward with her claws extended out as the beast merely turned and watched her fly by before turning around and blasting her with another beam attack. The beams scorched her back as Anna yelled and collapsed on the ground. 

"Damn brat...Ngh!" Levi groaned as he pushed himself up and hit his booster pack twice before it roared to life.

Levi flew and spun towards the beast as it merely turned towards him and grabbed his left arm. Levi glared at the monster as it just stared at him, but what it wasn't expecting was Levi sending his other saber towards its face as he stabbed it straight through its eye and the beast roared in pain. Letting him go and stumbling back, the beast roared loudly as it collapsed to one knee and tried to pull out the saber from its face, but the Captain decided to land one last blow and jumped up before spinning in the air and kicking the butt of the saber deeper into its face as it fell back. Levi took the opportunity and grabbed Anna as he threw her over his shoulder and ran back towards his team.

"Let's go!" Levi said as he ran pass them and away.

"R-Right!" Hanji agreed as she and Moblit followed suit.

Summer stood back up and stared at the beast as it was able to yank out the saber and toss it away. It growled and hissed as it stared over at Summer with black ooze foaming and dripping from its burned out eye, making Summer turn and run away as the beast growled before howling towards the sky as she caught up to the others as they ran into the woods to the South. 

"What the hell was that thing? Hanji, you should know, right?" Levi asked.

"No, this isn't something that's been recorded in any record of history in remnant. It's new, something we haven't seen before. A new breed of grimm with an incredible amount of intelligence." Hanji hypothesized.

"Speaking of something new, you have some explaining to do when we return, Mrs.Rose." Levi glared back at her as Summer looked away.

There was a strange sound coming towards them followed by high winds as they slid to a stop and looked up to see a bullhead descending down towards them. The door opened and revealed Erwin who was staring down at them, and when he saw Anna over Levi's shoulder his eyes widened in interest before he landed.

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