Chapter 5: Something's In The Water, Premonitions of What's to Come

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The Same Day, With Summer

Summer was sat across from Ewrin's desk as Levi was leaned against the door and Erwin had his fingers interlaced in front of his mouth as he spoke.

"So you're saying that you've been tracking down the Godzilla who appeared on camera all those years ago, and that it wasn't Y/N who killed those men on the boat." Erwin said while looking down at his desk.

"Yes. Back when that Godzilla appeared, it's body was almost like it was on fire. There was a red glow coming off its chest and legs and spines. When Y/N washed ashore when he was only a few years old, he didn't have any glowing lights like that one did. It wasn't him." Summer said.

"We have seen it also." Erwin said as she raised a brow. "One night at the docks where that dust robbery went bad, your boy was there. He wasn't glowing at all." Erwin said as he turned to the computer on his desk and clicked a few things before pulling up a set of pictures. "Surveillance camera's caught his entire transformation. From being shot in the chest by an enemy..." Erwin said as he showed Summer a picture of you being blasted by a red heat ray as she looked away for a moment. "To the moment he rose from the water as Godzilla." He said as he pulled up frame shots showing you come out in your monster form.

"Maybe he just wasn't in that form yet." Levi chimed in as they both turned towards him.

"What?" Summer asked.

"Maybe the brat was holding back and didn't go full power, meaning the red shine the world saw on Godzilla, wasn't there on Y/N when he turned." Levi said as Summer shook her head.

"No, I've been searching and researching for as long as I've known Y/N, and I know that it's not him. He doesn't have that level of power yet." Summer said.

"And how can you possibly know that?" Erwin asked as she turned back towards him.

"The glow coming off that Godzilla's body was indicating that it's power source was too strong for its own body. It needs a way of cooling the energy within itself. Throughout the years Y/N has lived with us, there was no sign of glowing or any problem with his internal radiation levels." Summer explained.

"You kept track of his radiation levels?" Erwin asked as she nodded.

"Yeah, and that's not all..." Summer said as she pulled out a file from her cloak and opened it to reveal notes and pictures. "I've been finding different things on missions that I've been on in the past. Forest where life had been scorched or mutated and killed. Towns and villages effected by radiation poisoning and exposure. New grimm with powers that were even difficult for me to handle." Summer said before she pulled out a picture of a girl walking through the woods. "Then...I found her..." She said as Erwin took the picture and examined it.

"What's special about her?" He asked as he and Levi, who had come around to look at the picture, tried to detail what was in it.

"She's the same faunus type as Y/N, scales, claws, a long black tail, and even breathes a heat ray, except hers..." Summer said as she pulled out another picture showing the girl breathing a red spiral ray. "Is burning red. Just like the Godzilla back over a decade ago." She said as Levi examined the second picture.

"She's glowing red around her abdomen and legs, and her spines are glowing as well." Levi pointed out.

"So we have not one, but two Godzilla's in our world." Erwin said.

"If they're from the same place...I don't thin we'll be dealing with just two..." Summer said as the two of them looked up at her. "I think we'll be dealing with a pack of Godzilla's if they survived and mutated like these two." Summer said as Erwin held up the picture of the girl next to your image of you as Godzilla on the monitor.

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