Chapter 6: A Small Incident At The Fair, A Dream Comes To Mind

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The Same Day

After getting ready and throwing on some casual clothes, you and your team walked out of the dormitory chatting about other things when suddenly, both your team and team RWBY ran into each other.

"Hey! Where you guys off to?" Ruby asked as they stopped in front of you guys.

"We're heading off to the fair that's in town. Wanna come?" Annie asked as Ruby grew an excited look on her face.

"The fair!? I wanna go! Yes!" Ruby yelled as she tried to dash towards you guys but Weiss caught her cape and yanked her back.

"No, WE are going to study for professor Port's next test. And YOU are going to study all day today." Weiss scolded her as Ruby had a despaired look on her face.

"B-B-B-BUT THE FAIR...!" Ruby tried to reason with Weiss but she only gave Ruby a piercing look.

"Maybe if you hadn't dozed off during our last quiz in his class and gotten scolded by him, I wouldn't intervene in your little trip. Now come on, we're hitting the books starting the Great Faunus Escape on chapter 6" Weiss said as she dragged Ruby along to the dorm.

"NOOOOO....!!!!!!" Ruby yelled in despair as she disappeared and you and your team gave Ruby a sympathetic salute.

"Well, what about you, Blake? You wanna come? I know you aced Port's quiz, so you should have anything to worry about." Julia asked as Blake waved her hand and shook her head.

"Sorry, but I think I wanna spend some time with myself and catch up on reading my books. Thanks for the offer, though." Blake said as she pass you all.

"Well, all that's left is..." You started before turning back around only to be met with two plump mountains of flesh as Yang was stood in front of you with a grin.

"I'd love to go to the fair!" She said with a gleeful smile before wrapping an arm around you. "We haven't spent a lot of time together, so it's time to give your first girl some love, huh?" She said as you blushed and looked away.

"Y-Yeah...sorry..." You said in embarrassment before you felt someone grip your left arm.

"Yang, I think you're overstepping your personal space and invading some of Y/N's. Maybe you should step back a bit." Annie said as a powerful aura was shining off of her.

"Ohh, I don't think so at all. I think Y/N enjoys how close I am to him." Yang said as a red aura began to surround her while she smiled at Annie and the two were firmly gripping each of your arms.

"Uh oh..." You muttered before the two of them began to stretch you apart.

"Uhh...Ehh...Umm...!" Sarah looked back and forth between the two of them with a frantic look on her face while waving her arms around as Julia suddenly stepped in and pulled you away from both of them.

"You two are acting like children, let's go, Y/N." Julia said as you were just stunned from her actions as she dragged you off.

Yang, Annie, and Sarah stared at you two for a moment before Annie and Yang both got in each other's faces and glared at each other while their breast were firmly pressed against each other, as if battling for superiority.

"This isn't over." Yang claimed.

"Damn right." Annie said through gritted teeth while Sarah was despaired between the two again.

After that little fiasco and an awkward ride on the bullhead down to Vale, with you sat between Annie and Yang, the five of you made it down to Vale and roamed the streets for a bit before hitting the fair. As you were walking you noticed a group of young men, who seem to be around their early twenties, seem to be glaring and eyeing you and your teammates while muttering things that you couldn't hear. Their clothes were torn and they wore chains around their belts or jackets while their hair was either all spiky and crazy, or all down and intimidating. You didn't pay them any attention and ignored the group of about five young men and continued on conversing with your friends. After about ten minutes of walking and rounding a corner, you found the place that you were looking for, the fair which was behind a local park in the part of Vale you were in. You saw large tents set up with various games that held different prizes, there were food stalls and food carts spread all over as there were a few rides as well, including a Ferris wheel, and there was even a haunted house next to the Ferris wheel.

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