Chapter 9: Best Friends Since The Beginning, The Dance To Remember Forever

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Flashback, 7 Years Ago, With Annie, Play

"C'mon! We're not going to make it if we don't leave now!" Annie yelled while holding two bags on her shoulders as she stared back at a young girl who stood in the middle of a large village with people watching.

Standing in the middle of a road that led down all the way down to the coast line while in the opposite direction of the road was a large house where a man, woman and small child were stood, there was a young faunus girl who had small moth-like wings and small antenna's staring at the family at the large house.

"If you leave now, you will be banished from this land, never allowed to return, girl..." The man standing at the steps of the large home said as the little girl who was holding the woman's hand had tears.

"Please, don't leave, Lady Sarah!" A villagers begged.

"If you are not here, then who shall convey our prayers to our Goddess?" A woman on the side of the road asked.

"Please, child! You must think of the greater good!" Another man said as Sarah stood frozen there.

As she stood there, all these people's wishes and desires were running rampant through her head as her heart felt pain and sadness, but she what she also felt was something else...

"I can't stay...I'm not meant for this...I know that I'm not..." Sarah said while clutching the hems of the small dress she wore.


"Darling, please be gentle with her...!" The woman next to him begged.

"Silence!" The man shoved away the woman.

Sarah was wide-eyed when she saw her get shoved away and thrown to her knees. She was about to take off towards her, but a hand stopped her from going as she turned to see Annie.

"We have to leave, now!" Annie said while trying to pull her along.

"You...!" The man spoke in a disgusted tone as Annie glared at him. "You're the one who put these foul thoughts into my daughter's mind...You will pay for what you've done!" The man yelled at her.

"Be quiet!" Sarah suddenly cried out as everyone was shocked. "Annie didn't do anything wrong...She didn't do anything wrong...!" Sarah said before shooting an angry glare towards her father. "I'M MAKING THIS CHOICE BY MYSELF! ME! SO IF YOU WANT TO BE ANGRY AT ANYONE, BE ANGRY AT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!" Sarah cried out as everyone fell silent.

Sarah had tears streaming down her eyes as she sniffled and tried to catch her breath. As she looked up and turned towards the young girl at the steps who looked saddened and confused about the whole situation, she wiped her face before speaking.

"Christa...I really wanted to take you with me...But I can't take care of you right now...So when we get older, I promise to come back for you. Until then, keep praying for your big sister, okay?" Sarah said as the little girl stepped forward with tears.

"Big sister...?" Christa had tears run down her eyes as she heard the final words she heard that day from her sister.

"That's why for the time that we're apart, this is nothing but a hope of mine..." Sarah said as she smiled at Christa. "I want live a life you're proud of..." Sarah wore a sad smile on her face.

"Gngh...! LEAVE! LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN TO THIS PLACE!" Sarah's father demanded.

"No problem old man, we're leaving this dump. C'mon Sarah!" Annie said as the two of them began to run away.

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