Chapter 19: For The Sake of the Future, The Countdown Til War Begins

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With You

After blacking out and collapsing, the ones who kidnapped you had taken you to a small hut where you laid on a concrete bed covered with a sheet. Just at the moment, on a concrete bed on the other side from you, Sarah who was laid down began to slowly open her eyes. Her vision was blurry at first and she groaned while turning her head to the side to see you a few feet away from her.

"Y/N..." She tried to raise her arm to reach out for you, but struggled a great amount.

"You're awake now..." She heard as she turned her eyes towards the open door of the hut and saw your father standing there with a cane in hand.

"Who are...?" She couldn't finish her sentence as she felt too weak.

"My name is Johnathan, I'm the one who asked for you two to be brought here." Your father said as he slowly walked inside and went over to sit on a small stool. "I am that boy's father, you see?" He said to her with a smile as he rested both his hands on the top of his cane.

"Why did you bring us here?" She asked as he sighed solemnly.

"I need you to deliver a message to those who are in charge of the surface. They need to prepare themselves if they are going to fend off this invasion that is coming." He said as Sarah slowly sat up and raised her brow.

"What invasion?" She asked as he looked straight into her eyes.

"The invasion that could spell the end for the entire kingdom of Vale, and this continent." She was completely shocked by this claim. "You see, many of us are too sick and weak from the injuries and radiation we endured on Lagos Island. Those of us who transformed into our true faunus forms and haven't changed back are in deep sleep. Only a handful of us can return to the surface. And those of us who can reach the surface would rather let everyone up there perish." Your father explained as Sarah felt uneasy about his last statement.

"Let everyone up there...perish...?" Sarah repeated in disbelief as your father nodded.

"Yes...My people were treated like we were below that of even the bugs that crawl around under the dirt. They saw us as a nuisance and a problem that need to be rid of. When they dropped that bomb on us, that was the final nail in the coffin for them...After getting attacked to eradicate your own race and tribe, there was no forgiving the world that was against us." He said as he closed his eyes in emotional pain of remembering that tragic day. 

"It's understandable though...Us faunus have been oppressed for generations...But I can't imagine how you all must feel." She said when suddenly your father placed his hand on top of hers as she looked towards him.

"That's the strange thing about me...As much as I know I shouldn't care or even want to help those who tried to hurt us...I don't wish to see them be destroyed in such a way that is as horrible as our past." Sarah was stunned at the words coming from him as your father looked towards you. "And if he's been living with you both humans and faunus of society, then I'm sure that he understands what I believe as well..." He said.

"And what do you believe?" Sarah asked as your father just looked towards her with a gentle smile.

"...That we're all still human..." As those words came out of his mouth, Sarah couldn't find the words to reply to his belief. "We are ALL children of the world of Remnant. We all have a soul inside of us. When we are threatened by a force too great to overcome alone, we must ALL band together to defeat the enemy that stands before us." She said as the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard coming as the woman who was with the two men who kidnapped you came in and spoke.

"Johnathan, it's Axel, he's back." The girl spoke as Sarah got a closer look at her.

Looking closer at her, Sarah noticed that she looked to be around the same age as Y/N and her. She had long dark grey hair and dark red eyes. Her tail was long and more pin-point towards the end as she wore torn up black robe that covered black shorts that stopped at her upper thighs and black shirt with ripped off sleeves. She glanced at Sarah for a moment before furrowing her eyes and staring at her with a cold look as Sarah felt uneased by this.

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