Chapter 3: Investigation Compromised, Conflicted Feelings

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Same Day

After that strange interaction you had with Erwin Smith and bumping into a short Atlas officer who gave off a rude vibe, you asked around if anyone had seen Ruby and learned that she had taken a ship down to Vale. Since the sun began was beginning to set and no one had contacted each other for a while you caught one of the last outgoing bullheads that were heading down to Vale. After taking a short ride down you found yourself walking the streets of the city with no clue where to search for any of your friends.

"Man, where are they?" You thought while you were walking.

As you walked down the sidewalk there was a mother and a little boy holding her hand. The little boy had looked at you with awe when he saw your faunus details, but when you were about to walk pass them the mother pulled her son back as he was confused.

"Don't talk them, dear. They're dangerous animals..." You heard the mother whisper as you walked by.

You closed your eyes and sighed as you turned the corner into an alley and stopped to lean against the wall.  You rubbed the temples of your head with your hand in frustration and slight annoyance from hearing what the woman said and just as you weren't looking, two white fang members came out from the shadows as they spotted you.

"Hey, you!" They called as you snapped your head towards them.

"Crap..." You muttered as you just raised your hands.

As they were approaching you however their weapons were lowered and they walked calmly towards you as one of them spoke up.

"Why do you have your hands up?" The one on the left asked. 

"You're not going to rob or hurt me?" You asked in confusion as they both smiled at you.

"What? No! You're an awesome looking faunus. Hey man, you interested in joining the White Fang? We were just patrolling to make sure no one finds out meet up." The one on the right said as you raised a brow.

"You're recruiting you say?" You asked as they nodded. "Alright, I'm interested." You gave a fake smirk as they patted you on the shoulders and lead you away and into the darkness.

You followed the two of them as you looked at the alley walls that were beside you. You noticed there were scratch marks on a few areas of the walls that would let anyone who wanted to join the White Fang be able to find them. As you rounded a corner with the two guards you saw a door coming up on the left as they stopped and one of them went to unlock it.

"This is it, hope we get to work together sometime." The one next to you said as the door opened and they walked in.

"Yeah..." You said before sneaking up behind one of them and knocking him out before using your tail and knocking the other guard into the wall and unconscious. "Sorry, wish it didn't have to be this way..." You apologized as you dragged them away to hide them.

After hiding them in the alley and closing the door you looked around the area of the building you were in and saw a box full of White Fang recruit masks. Taking one and masking your face you made your way around a corner and heard chanting and cheering coming from somewhere as you walked down a hall with a door at the end of it. Once you made it to the door and slowly opened it to peek out you saw you were inside of a warehouse that was full of recruits for the White Fang as you cursed under your breath.

"Great, just great, you found yourself in the middle of a recruitment ritual..." You groaned as you snuck out from the room and tried to blend in with the crowd. "This is probably the place Blake and her group went to investigate., hopefully I can find them." You thought as you slowly and carefully traveled through the sea of faunus.

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