Chapter 17: Endless Sorrow, The King Is Taken

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"I will have my revenge." You muttered as your eyes burned with rage and only the whites were showing.

Everyone stared in shock as the Godzilla that suddenly appeared roared loudly before its spines began to glow white.

"How could it have gotten here...No...Why is it here...!?" Hangji asked as she was shaking her her boots. 

"He called it..." Annie said as everyone in the bullhead looked towards her. "Y/N's tapped into an inner part of himself that I didn't think he had...He's let his inner primal instincts take over and its caused him to awaken the alpha blood in his body. I know because I too have done it before..." Annie remembered as an image of her standing in front of people with pure red eyes as a kid flashed in her mind. "...And I know how hard it is to resist the temptation of battle...But Y/N...He's a completely different Alpha predator."  She said.

"How can we help him?" Ruby asked.

"I don't think he can even hear us right now. It's not Y/N we're fighting..." Annie said as everyone looked at you and saw you had a sinister smile across your face.

"We're fighting the king of Godzilla's..." Erwin said as the weight of the horrible situation felt even heavier on everyone.

Suddenly, a squadron of bullheads flew by moving towards the Godzilla that was rampaging the city as they were armed with rockets and other heavy weapons. The Godzilla growled as it looked up at them and you smiled they came within distance of the creature. Suddenly the spines on the back of Godzilla began to glow white before it released a mist like heat stream from its mouth. Two bullheads were caught and set a flame as the rest of the squadron broke off and assumed attack patterns. The squadron were diving towards the beast from a higher angle and fired off countless missiles at the monster, but upon impact, the beast just roared as if it were irritated by a fly. 

"It's not even phased at all by our do we stop them...?" Hanji asked before Erwin noticed something.

Looking over to the right he saw your mother fly down towards you as her targeting systems locked on to you and she pointed her right hand out towards you. You looked up at her and saw her hand rotate around before firing finger rockets at you. There were five explosions where you stood as she landed a few feet away and watched as the dust cleared and revealed you were unharmed. 

"I must subdue him before everything is destroyed." She thought as her combat parameters began to assess the best course of action before her eyes flashed yellow and she was ready. "Preparations complete." She said before charging at you.

You simply stood there and watched as she boosted into the air and spun around before using a thruster on her leg to send an axe kick down towards you. You raised your hand and simply grabbed her leg, but without hesitation she jumped off her other leg and kneed you in the face, making you stumble back. You growled and turned back towards her only to be blinded by a rainbow beam that struck you right in the face as you roared in pain. While stunned, she flew towards you and sent her foot into your gut as you went flying back and crashed into a pile of rocks as she took aim and fired five more finger rockets as there was a explosion where you laid. She scanned the area you were in and scoffed as you simply walked out and growled at her, no damage dealt to you at all.

Burning Rage Within: RWBY X Male Godzilla ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now