A Drunken Rant

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Trishaleen, Angela, and I were invited to Tina's house party. She was celebrating the departure of her parents to their vacation place. It was lit af. So many drunk teenagers, and were happened to be one of them.

After an uncountable cups of whiskey, we three headed for the restroom to fix up our look.

And damn. I was really an out of place since the two of them were retouching their makeup while I was just standing there looking at my stupidass plain face in the mirror.

Cuz I don't do makeup. I just don't know how...Ugh, I'm really one of the boys. One might even assume that I'm a boy. Goddamn it...

As I silently stood there, waiting for them to finish, Trishaleen, a member of our school's cheerleading squad, (She's a girl with an attitude same as Georgina's from Mean Girls with a mixture of Jackie's from That 70s Show) started a small talk with Angela. (The feminist one)

"My gosh Angela...!" Trish started as she put on her mascara. "Almost half of the students here are stupid!"

Angela pulled her eyebrows down while she reapplied her lip-gloss. "How can you say that? Did you make a survey?"

Trish cringed. "Um no?? Like seriously? Why would I do a survey? Survey is for the people who are acting smart!"

"Then how can you tell that half of the people here are stupid?" Angela frowned in confusion.

"A girl in our squad who can't do split is enough to tell me." She answered confidently.

"Hey!" Angela frowned even harder. "I dont know how to split too!"

Trish stopped from stroking her eyelashes then turned to fully face Angela. She touched her arm with sympathy. "Aw...Angela. Don't worry you're still my friend even if you're stupid like one of them."

"Trish..." Angela sighed. "You forgot that I'm the first honor in our academy."

"Oh..." Trishaleen slowly backed away. "It wasn't me talking. It was the whiskey."

LOL like they totally said it XD I was a lil sober that time so I heard it all clear🤣🤣

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